Karen Rumbos closes the year fulfilling her commitment as a plastic artist – El Sol de México

Full, happy and grateful, This is how the artist Karen Rumbos feels, who celebrated the end of the year in the company of her friends and family at a petit cocktail.

The event he organized himself in his studiolocated north of Mexico City, a space that is part of his “artistic intimacy”, since this is where his inspiration arises and he spends most of his time.

“I am very happy to open the doors of this space that is my second home, to receive everyone who has always supported me, I feel very happy and grateful, this year has been a lot of work,” the famous artist told Círculos.

He added, “This is my workshop, my space where I work, but it also serves as a mini showroom, here I concentrate to paint and make most of my pieces.”

Part of his work is based on nature connection and awareness about caring for the planet, as well as sending a message of love through his works that are pop art, classic paintings and large sculptures.

“All my works have a common thread which is consciousness, and above all what happens around us. One of my past works were white giraffes, which are inspired by those that were hunted by humans and became extinct,” he added.

During the conversation he said that two works from 2019 participated in the art auction from the Oscar Román Gallery, “most of my works are exhibited around the world and many of them are sold while on display, some others return to my workshop and I promote them in various projects, this is how the art world works and I think we are on the right track.”

At the event, guests were able to delight their eyes with the artist’s recent works inspired by the Cosmoswhich are large and spherical pieces, “for this collection, the process was different, I also underwent a creative process, and through introspection, I realized that something was missing in me to continue connecting with my community and it was like this “I wanted to land the idea in cosmos, that human energy that we all need to potentialize,” said Rumbos.

Among the works stand out concave mirrors in colors metallic, litmus, a sculpture based on the Solar system made of steel and marble and an oil painting called Goddess of Psilocybinwhich is the symbolic representation of how ancestral substances and practices have been venerated and considered sacred entities by some cultures.

“The main idea of ​​each work is to connect, that when they see a work, acquire it and have it in their home, they feel that they have something to do with that work, each person is free to interpret and understand art in their own way,” he explained. .

The event culminated in a cocoa ceremony led by Maze Cacao, who explained that “cacao is medicine for the heart.” “Many times, we become disconnected from our center, and in this season of reflection it is necessary to find it again,” she said.

Finally, Rumbos shared that closes 2023 “blessed”, “I am very grateful for all the projects this year, I feel blessed for all these projects that I have been involved in and I am excited for everything that is coming,” she concluded.

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