Margarita González Saravia, the Attila of the south – El Sol de México

Ayala’s plan disowned the government of Francisco I. Madero for distancing itself from the objectives of the Mexican Revolution; it demanded that the latifundia, primarily in the region of Anenecuilco, the place of its birth, be returned to the towns of the region. After the cowardly murder of Madero, during the so-called “tragic decade”, they took up arms against the traitor Victoriano Huerta and called on all the people of Mexico to take up arms.

Zapata confronted Venustiano Carranza so that the Ayala Plan was recognized, he joined the Forces of General Felipe Ángeles and together they managed to make said Plan part of the agenda of the Sovereign Revolutionary Convention.

In Morelos, the Ayala Plan laid the foundations for a struggle that is latent to this day. April 10 commemorates the betrayal that led to the death of General Emiliano Zapata at the Chinameca Hacienda at the hands of the Carrancista Forces who cowardly ambushed and murdered him.

The Zapatista Movement is a national symbol that continues to be latent in all latitudes of our country, even though its origin is located in the south of the country, the identity that represents the Mexican Revolution and the Zapatista struggle continues to this day and was resumed on last Wednesday, April 10, with the signing of the National Agreement for a Just and Sovereign Rural Republic, where the next President of Mexico, Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, and the next first female Governor of Morelos, Margarita González Saravia, were summoned by the most important peasant organizations from the north, center and south of the country, which met at the Former Hacienda of Chinameca, Morelos, to commit to the entire agricultural sector of the nation to magnify and dignify the work of the countryside. “Feed those who feed us,” said Dr. Sheinbaum before thousands of attendees, the commitment that is heard loudly, she said, we will continue eliminating the barriers of exploitation to create conditions for all the farmers of the country, where the natural elements are within reach and the government is not an obstacle, but a permanent ally.

Margarita González Saravia, for her part, called for a peaceful revolution to confront the traitors of the country who gather to deceive citizens and obtain power through the vote. Margarita González Saravia is an honest businesswoman, she has created thousands of jobs and is recognized for her altruistic work where her great human quality is confirmed. She is a woman with great social sensitivity and knowledge of what Mexican humanism means, which is the basis ideological of the Fourth Transformation, “for the good of all, first the poor,” is a maxim that will continue to be practiced in his government, to eliminate any form of threat against the most vulnerable and marginalized in the state of Morelos.

These reminiscences of the Zapatista struggle, now channeled by a contemporary Zapatista like Margarita González Saravia, make her proudly raise the flag of Zapatismo that was symbolically given to her by her great-grandson and great-great-grandson when entrusting her with the future of the ideological legacy of the Caudillo del Caudillo. South.

The enormous responsibility that Margarita González Saravia assumes with the peasantry of Morelos makes her the new Atila of the south. This enormous ideological testament to fulfill will be seen from the first day of government, with the proposals that will be applied to the countryside throughout the territory. Morelos with the support of the federal government, which will be headed by Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum.

The Atila of the south, Margarita González Saravia, will continue the revolution that identifies the peasant struggle, exemplified in the state of Morelos and that was delivered by the family as a historical commitment to the people of Morelos.

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