Mayors fail to regulate parking: only 2 have done so – El Sol de México

Only two of the 16 mayors of Mexico City regulate the correct operation of parking lots public to avoid unjustified charges and, where appropriate, ensure compensation for damages within the business.

In May 2023 the Capital Congress reformed the Organic Laws of Mayors and Commercial Establishments to improve the service that residents of the capital receive. Since then, mayors are obliged to have a Single Public Parking Registration System, a register with the number of parking spaces, location, number of spaces for cars, motorcycles and bicycles; administrator data and established rates.

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The modifications to the Commercial Establishments Law They also forced the entrepreneurs to have an insurance policy and ensure the condition of the vehicle within their businesses.

According to a series of requests for information made by The Sun of Mexico to the 16 mayoralties, Only Tláhuac and Cuajimalpa confirmed that they have this system.

In Tlahuac The minimum rate established by law is 24.04 pesos and the maximum of 46.68 pesos. It has eight registered public parking lots with car-only parking spaces in the neighborhoods Barrio de San Miguel, Barrio la Asunción, Los Olivos, Granjas San Jerónimo, Del Mar, Santa Ana Poniente and La Concita Zapotitlán. The first was registered in 2011 and the last in June 2023.

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In Cuajimalpa they are registered 44 parking spaces in neighborhoods like Lomas de Santa Fe, Santa Fe, CuajimalpaJ.esús del Monte, Granjas Navidad, San José de los Cedros, Bosques de Reforma, Cruz Manca, Santa Fe Zedec and Lomas de Chamizal. They have a minimum rate of 24.04 pesos and maximum of 46.68 pesos.

The Law modifications also force establishments to charge per fraction of 15 minutes with the same rate, and not per hour, but several parking lots do not comply with the rule, as this newspaper confirmed in a tour of the Cuajimalpa mayor’s office.

The parking lot located on Vasco de Quiroga Street, in the Lomas de Santa Fe neighborhood, is in the name of the company Promotions Ser SA de CV. and It does not have the same rate, since the first 15 minutes charge six pesos; from 16 to 30 minutes, 14 pesos; from 31 to 45 minutes, 22 pesos; and from 46 to 60 minutes, 30 pesos.

The rest of The 14 municipalities do not have information about this new system, but some do know how many businesses of that type operate in their territory. In Iztacalco, for example, there are 60 parking spaces and in Benito Juárez there are 321. And Magdalena Contreras accepted that one parking lot charges “per hour,” while another charges by fraction.

Cuauhtémoc and Gustavo A. Madero assured that it is the responsibility of the Mobility Secretariats (Semovi) and Economic Development (Sedeco) of the city have the information and establish the rates.

The The Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), as well as Mobility, confirmed to this newspaper that it is the obligation of the mayors integrate the registry and report monthly to the institutions, as well as establish rates.

Miguel Hidalgo does not have the single system eitherbut noted that the minimum rate is 24.04 pesos, and the maximum is 46.68 per hour.

Motorists of the Mexico City such as Orlando Martínez and Daniel Hernández mentioned that it is important that they regulate parking, since they do not respect the rates and do not guarantee the good condition of the vehicle.

“About a year ago I was in the Historic Center, on Cuba Street, and leaving a bar I went to get my car, but they wanted to charge me a lot and I complainedbut in that They started whistling and several kids arrived. Already we better pay and we left,” said Daniel Hernández.

Orlando Martínez said that He left his car in a parking lot on Bolívar Street, in the Historic Center, but the staff there did not give him an entry ticket., an aspect that was not taken into account. Two hours later, when she returned for his vehicle, They charged him an extra 300 pesos for a “lost ticket”. And he claimed that she found the trunk open.

“I went with some friends to a bar near the parking lot, but I didn’t realize that They didn’t give us a ticket. When I returned for my car they asked me for the ticket, but I told them that they didn’t give it to me, and they charged me 300 pesos for lost ticket. I wanted to complain, but several kids started to gather and I better paid and we left,” said Orlando.


Legislators of the Congress of Mexico City recalled that last year they approved the initiative to guarantee the proper operation of parking lots, so they will present an appeal for the mayors to comply with the provisions of the law. “I wanted there to be better control in the provision of the service by the mayors, it is a responsibility of the mayors, they should have operated that through the legal directorates and government,” said PAN deputy, Federico Döring.

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Jorge Gaviño, coordinator of the Liberal Left Parliamentary Association, assured that A law needs to be created to ensure its application, an aspect that corresponds to the Government of Mexico City. “The Law has already been issued and the City Government needs to regulate the law to make it more operational (…) An appeal would have to be made for it to be complied with, we will make the appeal in Congress with a point of agreement to invite the Government of the City that issues the regulation,” he indicated.

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