Mexico denounces to the UN the violations of its Embassy in Ecuador – El Sol de México

This Friday, Mexico denounced to the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), António Guterres, the assault on its embassy in Quito, carried out by Ecuadorian security forces, to arrest former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas (2013- 2017), reported the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE).

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry indicated that the permanent representative of Mexico to the UN, Héctor Vasconcelos, delivered this day, through the organization’s Deputy Secretary General for Legal Affairs, a communication addressed to Secretary General Guterres, “to denounce the serious violations” that the Republic of Ecuador incurred last Friday, April 5.

“For the violent entry of Ecuadorian security forces into the Mexican Embassy in Quito, and the attacks against the person and dignity of its diplomatic staff,” the note noted.

This communication, noted the Mexican Foreign Ministry, “is made in accordance with the procedure established by resolution 77/108 of the UN General Assembly, intended to denounce events such as those that occurred on April 5 in Quito, Ecuador.”

Based on photographic evidence and a technical report of the events, Mexico presented the actions that constitute the “flagrant violation of international law.”

The provisions contained in article 22 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (CVRD) are clear “in establishing that the agents of Ecuador were prevented from entering the Embassy of Mexico, and obliged to adopt all necessary measures to protect the embassy against all intrusion or damage”.

In addition, it was reported that, given the “flagrant, recognized and repeated illicit conduct on the part of Ecuador”, Mexico has requested the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to initiate procedures for the highest international court to declare Ecuador internationally responsible. and specify repairs.

Likewise, the SRE stated, it was requested that the information be circulated among all members of the UN and be incorporated into the agenda of the General Assembly under the topic: “Examination of effective measures to improve the protection and security of missions and the diplomatic and consular representatives”, in accordance with resolution 77/108.

On Thursday, the Mexican Government said that it is analyzing filing a criminal complaint in Ecuador for the raid by Ecuadorian authorities on its Embassy in Quito, where they attacked diplomatic personnel.

The criminal accusation would be based on the images presented on Tuesday by the Government of Mexico recorded by cameras inside the embassy, ​​where last Friday the Ecuadorian Police jumped the fence, entered by force, pointed a gun at the head of the Foreign Ministry, Roberto Canseco, and subdued diplomatic personnel in the street.

This complaint would be different from the lawsuit that Mexico presented this Thursday before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

This Friday, the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, warned that allowing Glas to obtain asylum in Mexico would not resolve the conflict with Ecuador after a week of the assault on its Embassy in Quito and the breaking of relations.

López Obrador announced that he will participate next Tuesday in the extraordinary virtual summit of leaders convened by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) to address the crisis.

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