Migrants from the caravan question AMLO’s count: “We are not a plague” – El Sol de México

The caravan of thousands of migrantswhich left the country’s southern border as the largest of the year, questioned this Friday during its advance the count that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador makes of themwho affirms that they have dispersed and are close to thousand 500.

In a meeting from the soccer field of the municipality of Mapastepec, the coordinator of the Center for Human Dignification (CDH), Luis Rey García Villagrán, who accompanies the caravan, stated that even There are 5 thousand people in the largest groupwhich left on Christmas Eve with about 10 thousand people from Tapachula.

The migrants identified themselves as originating from Honduras, Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Cuba, Peru, Colombia and Nicaraguabut there are also countries like Thailand and Azerbaijan, who will wait for 24 hours for a response from the National Migration Institute (INM), if not, they will leave this Saturday heading to Pijijiapan.

“We feel abandoned and we have to expose ourselves to politicians, we are not a plague, nor a pandemic, but we want a better life for my children and all migrants,” Haitian Edrice Roman told EFE.

The migrant stated that they have walked more than 100 kilometers since Tapachula to Mapastepec, where they have set up camp on a soccer field to wait for a response from the Government to grant them legal status in the country.

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“Yesterday it was more than 32 kilometers, my wife is tired, the children had a hard time on the road, sleeping and walking under the night sky,” he stated.

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