migrants on the coastal highway – El Sol de México

He contingent of 8 thousand people what happened Christmas Eve in the Álvaro Obregón ejido to travel more than 30 kilometers on their journey to reach the center of the country and finally the USA.

The plan was that this December 25 they would arrive at the municipality of Huehuetán, about 25 kilometers away, but the caravancalled “Exodus from Poverty“, he decided to advance at Christmas until he reached Huixtla.

Among the contingent there are people of 24 nationalities with the desire to reach the United States in search of better life opportunities away from the violence and poverty of their countries of origin.

Migrants seek to obtain a Multiple Migratory Form or one Visa for Humanitarian Reasons to be able to legally travel through the country, instead of continuing to walk through the Chiapas coastal highway.

The contingent will concentrate at the dome of the municipality of Huixtla, where they will carry out different activities, to capture the attention of the immigration and government authorities to obtain a favorable response that allows them to regularize their situation and avoid the difficulties associated with traveling by road in adverse conditions.

Juan Carlos Rodríguez, mentioned that they will walk whatever is necessary to get out of Chiapaswell in Tapachula They had no answers from Migration’s national institute and we want to get to another state where they can give us the documents.

“It is sad to pass Christmas walked on the road and far from home, but we do it so that our families “They can have better life opportunities that they don’t have in our country,” he said while walking down the street. coastal highway towards Huixtla.

He added that he thought things would be much easier in Mexico, but it got complicated because they don’t want to let them leave Tapachula and they want to keep them in this city by force.

Sofia Estrada, from Venezuelasaid that this situation in which they find themselves is very complicated due to the lack of attention of the Mexican immigration authorities who doesn’t want to let them go on buses, but if they let them leave on caravans.

“It is something contradictory and evil that they make us walk without being told anything by the immigration authorities“But if we take a bus, they get us off at the first checkpoint that leaves Tapachula and right now we’ve passed two without them telling us anything,” he added.

He pointed out that they will continue walking until they reach their goal, which is to reach the USA and be able to help his family who is in Venezuela waiting for it to reach its destination.

The contingent left Álvaro Obregón at four in the morning and arrived at 10:43 in the municipality of La Piedra, which is a mandatory step for all caravans leaving Tapachula.

Originally published in South Journal

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