Mónica Huarte writes her own story as a screenwriter – El Sol de México

Mónica Huarte healed through writing. Years ago, the actress suffered one of the most important losses of her life: the death of her father.

Although he thought he had overcome that moment, thanks to the help of experts, the truth is that he still had a lot to tell.

That interest in healing internally led her to write her first film script, where she addresses the story of a character who loses his father and longs to get him back.

“I wrote it during the pandemic, I haven’t been able to put it up, but I hope next year I can do it and it is a story that has quite a few overtones of magical realism, it is a place that gives you back the things you have lost in life, but not the material things,” said Huarte in an interview with The Sun of Mexico.

The tentative title of the project is Lost And Found (Lost and found). Initially she had planned to produce his film in the United States, however, that may change due to the love she has for her country and with which she even considers that he can connect even more.

“I want to start making my own scripts, like this one, which I already wrote, I want to tell the stories that come from my heart, with characters that challenge me and I don’t know where to do it, that’s what I want.

“I want a project that makes my heart beat fast and makes me dizzy because that is going to mean that they are challenges and I am going to accept it because that will make me feel like I am continuing to grow and continue to explore things that I have never explored before,” said the comedian, who is also a comedian. .

Huarte considers herself a working woman, who has been climbing little by little within the industry. Her goal at all times is to demonstrate her versatility as an artist, which is why she works in different stories, from comedy to movies. My best friend’s Wedding (2019), Crazy for You (2020) or What a trip with dad! (2022) alongside Rob Schneider, but he can also be in melodramas with much more complex characters as in sick love (2022) or in Oliverio and the pool (2021) where she plays a professional who does not know how to approach her son after the death of her husband and the child’s father.

“I feel that I am a long-distance actress, there are actors who are sprinters, making a metaphor of runners, that is to say that there are actors who in the first project go to heaven and I feel that I am one of those who have been little by little earning a good reputation with a constant step, but always firm and without slacking at any time.

“Right now I am reaching the most beautiful part of the career because everything I sowed is being harvested and an example is this year when I started releasing a film with Rob (Schneider), they gave me an award in the Senate, another at the festival of laughter and then close with Lady influencer has been to raise the harvest of all these years of planting,” he expressed.

To avoid typecasting, the actress, who plays Dew in the series 40 and 20and has also had participations in the comedy series The P. Luche Familyrejects projects that might resemble each other.

“When I feel comfortable I say ‘no’ to a project to get out of my comfort zone and just get to a place where I don’t even know how to do it because that’s where you grow, if you repeat the same thing, you get comfortable, but you don’t. There is growth and when something is new, it motivates you. It takes a lot of work, yes, it is dizzying, but only then can you redirect your career to where you want it to go,” she said.

Huarte recently starred in the film Lady influencerby director Carlos Santos, which addresses the history of Fatimaa woman who creates content on social networks and, from one moment to the next, goes viral, however, there are two young people who will seek to take advantage of her fame, so that they too can stand out.

“People were very surprised that it is a film that is stimulating you all the time with things that you do not expect and captures a female character that has not been seen in Mexican cinema, with a story that goes through many genres, that It starts as if it were a musical and then you laugh and it becomes a psychological thriller and I think the public wants to go to the movies to be surprised and that is what is happening,” said the artist.

But what is the secret of the success of Lady influencer?, which until early December remained one of the films with the highest attendance since its premiere on November 2.

According to data from the National Chamber of the Film Industry (Canacine), the film achieved 370 thousand attendees and almost 23 million pesos at the box office.

For the protagonist, it is that “it is a story that we cannot put in a drawer as we always do, I think it is a story that is given the opportunity to play with different genres, that allows the main character to go through all the places.” What a human being can go through.

“I thought it was a psychological thriller, but it is much more because it has humor and has songs and very strong social criticism, it is a film that cannot be pigeonholed into just one thing, it is the best thing that has happened to me,” he said.

After this success, Huarte wants to go international and conquer new audiences, of course, enjoying every moment and decision he makes.

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“I live with a piece of advice in my head which is that you have to enjoy the journey, every day you have to be grateful for being in this world and you have aspirations for what you want to achieve, but what matters is every step you take along the way.” .

“It doesn’t matter that it’s a small character, this is what I have right now and I will give it all my heart, even if it’s three lines, that’s it, enjoying the journey because when you reach the goal, you turn around and say: ‘I enjoyed every step. maximum’, and that’s how you have to live every day,” he concluded.

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