Morena seeks to protect AMLO’s reforms before the Court – El Sol de México

After some reforms and decrees of the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador suffered failures in the face of unconstitutionality appeals filed in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN)Morena deputies seek shield the reforms of the president so that they cannot be knocked down when they are submitted to review by the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF).

Recently, in the Highest Court, the Fourth Transformation narrowly lost rulings to key initiatives of the presidentas in the case of the reform of the Electrical Industry Law (LIE).

For this reason, on February 15, at 11:00 AM, the bench of Morena in San Lázaro will discuss an initiative registered by the deputy Juan Ramiro Robledo in the Justice Commission, to make modifications to regulatory laws of article 105 of the Constitution, so that protections or reforms of unconstitutionality against the laws issued by the federal Executive and even proposes that the contested reforms can be resurrected.

This initiative proposes reforming articles 42 and 72 of the Regulatory Law of Article 105 of the Constitution, to restrict the SCJN and that cannot declare a controversy valid unless it has a qualified majority and that an amparo does not allow a resolution to be discussed again.

The initiative of the Morenoist deputy and president of the Constitutional Points Commission, outlines that “the jurisdictional authorities will not be able to invoke the reasons justifying unapproved sentences to invalidate, annul or disapply acts or general norms, nor to admit claims for protection, trial or any recourse.”

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This Monday, PRI deputy Alejandro Moreno, who is also the national leader of his party, referred to the initiatives in which Morena works to restrict the actions of the PJF and said that “the Morena Government is hindered by the law. Now they intend to continue violating the SCJN “because they want” that with only 4 of the 11 votes they can declare valid the reforms that they have promoted and that seriously harm Mexico, “he indicated.

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