Morena should have asked for protection for candidates in Guanajuato, not the INE: IEEG – El Sol de México

The president advisor of the Electoral Institute of the State of Guanajuato (IEEG), Brenda Canchola Elizarraraz, said that Morena had to reiterate the security request for its candidates, including Gisela Gaytan —a candidate for mayor of Celaya murdered on Monday—, to the electoral authorities of Guanajuato to facilitate the state government’s work.

“(He should have) sent us the Additional informationfor the purpose of supplement the application which had already been sent, once the candidacies were already in place. That was what I could comment that he did, well, rather was not done“commented the president advisor of the IEEG in interview with The Sun of Mexico.

It may interest you: Morena demands to investigate the IEEG for omitting protection for murdered candidate Gisela Gaytán

The above after Mario Delgadonational leader of Brunetteand Ricardo Sheffield, candidate for senator, they accused that he IEEG HE refused to give protection to nine candidates to municipal presidencies in that entity, including Gisela Gaytánaspiring mayor of Celaya murdered on Monday.

What is your opinion about what happened with Gisela Gaytán?

“It is a regrettable fact, she is a woman, a candidate, and under no circumstances should the candidate for a popularly elected position represent a risk. So, honestly it is an issue that, just with the institutional positioning that we had since yesterday “We regret, we reproach the cruel event that happened to the candidate and the truth is I have no more words, it is something that personally has me very shocked.”

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In this case, Morena is asking that the OPLE in Guanajuato be investigated for omission in this situation. What could you respond to this?

“Well, first of all, here at the Institute no request was received by the political party directlymade towards Electoral Institute of the State of Guanajuato. Yes, a letter was received that was sent directly to the national authority and the national authority at the time that positions for municipal presidencies were mentioned in the Institute sent it to us.

So, in that sense, the same day it was received, the corresponding attention was given through the protocol that has always been followed here in the State of Guanajuato for the care of security requests and the channel is Secretary of Government that once the shift is made, then the corresponding procedures are carried out but within the scope of the competence of each of the authorities.

At the Institute, the same day we received the request, the corresponding channel was given and of course, guidance was also given to the political party of the period in which we were, that the candidacies for municipal presidencies were not approved, they were not even in this registration period and all this data only, as they were communicated as a reference as well as the requirements that are also requested to accompany the application here in the State of Guanajuato.

This is what I could tell you about it, but The attention was given regardless of the fact that we did not yet have candidatesthe writing was given within the scope of the attribution that we have, that is, only the channel through which the candidates request this type of protection requests.”

This Tuesday, both Mario Delgado and Ricardo Sheffield indicated that protection measures for Gisela Gaytán and eight candidates for mayor of Guanajuato were requested since March 8but that the local electoral public body (OPLE) refused.

“He OPLE local unfortunately he asked for a reason to be given as to why protection was being requested and that a complaint was filed to support that, so He basically answered that it was not yet campaign time, that protection was given once the campaign began.. And then we had the regrettable events of yesterday (…) They have shown that they were omitted in the protection that was requested in a timely manner for our candidates,” Delgado denounced.

own candidate murdered on Monday said before her attack that the party requested security for her.

“The we request (security) through state legal means (…) The party requested it from INE and to IEEG. “We are going to see if today (Monday) they have any answer about that, but yes, it was requested,” Gisela Gaytán then said.

Mario Delgado —who accompanied the presidential candidate, Claudia Sheinbaumin Colima—exhibited the documents with which protection was requested of candidates to the National Electoral Institute (INE) since March 8.

The document, signed by the general secretary of Morena in Guanajuato, Jesus Manuel Ramirez Garibaywas directed to the Presidential advisor of the INE, Guadalupe Taddeiwhom request security for nine candidates for municipal presidents, for the candidate for governorAlma Alcaraz, and for Ricardo Sheffield, candidate for Senate.

Ricardo Sheffield, For his part, he mentioned the possibility of taking a legal appeal against the IEEG and that the protection requests for his party’s candidates are going to be expanded.

So, Morena did give you a request for protection in a timely manner and you delivered it in a timely manner to the Government Secretariat of Guanajuato?

“No, Morena did not submit an application to the institute, He presented it to the National Electoral Institute and to us They sent it to us on March 11. So, to us, who Brunette directly did a application from the party to the Electoral Institute of the State of Guanajuato, We do not have it, which We have a document that was sent to us through the National Electoral Institute to which due attention was given and the referral was received on the same day it was received by the Government Secretariat, which is, I insist, the channel, which in accordance with the established protocolsit’s ours communication channel for attention to this request“.

Has the Government Secretariat not contacted you until now? Have you not had contact with her?

“Of course we have maintained communicationbut what A specific response to this request is required. We do not have itWhat is certain is that in accordance with the attention protocol, we guide the political party to advance with what is required, thus in accordance with the protocol, to accompany the protection request and this includes direct contact with the candidates so that the security authorities have more elements and provide a focused solution, depending on each particular piece of information.

The cases can be diverse depending on the threat either risk what do you need. Also according to the complementary protocolthe complaint either complainthowever, For the Institute this is not a limitation to carry out the procedure.but of course, we have contact with the people who request it to guide them and it is important that they send us this information to obtain recognition of the Secretary of Government and make the corresponding procedure with greater elements”.

What should Morena have done then?

Morena did what she considered appropriate at the time that was to send a request to the INE where it contained various candidates, there were candidates even at the federal level with which the INE assumes jurisdiction and in any case send us additional information to complement the request that had already been sentonce the candidates were already in place, that was what I could comment on, since it was not carried out and It would have been important to have these elements to help the security authorities with these elements sent in accordance with the security protocol that is followed.

Finally, the party did what it considered appropriate to do at the time, but Yes, it is important to contextualize that at the time the job arrives, since we still do not have candidates And that, I insist, I only say as a context. Once the assumption of the candidatures was updated, well Reiterating the request would have helped provide more information to inform the authoritiesthat would have helped, well, to complement the request.”

Should both federal Morena with the INE and local Morena have submitted that same request with you?

“In the case of local candidates, The competition for sending the application is here directlyI mean, no need to triangulate with federal authoritywith the national authority or with the local authority. The request can be submitted directly here, in fact it is the jurisdiction that exists in the law itself to forward these requests to the competent authority.. So, in terms of national candidatures, the INE is the one who has the competence, and In terms of local candidatures, it is up to the Institute to channel the request”.

He March 10thhe INE, through the office manager of the Executive Secretariat, Claudia Suárez Ojeda, sent to the president advisor of the IEEG, Brenda Canchola Elzarrarazother letter in which he requests that Morena’s request be attended to to protect the candidates to the municipal presidencies, since security for the candidates for the governorship and the Senate is a federal responsibility.

The IEEG responded on March 12 that the request had to be submitted again when the registration of candidates for the City Councils concluded. —deadline that expired on March 21—and that the party had to substantiate its request with a complaint of facts before the corresponding authorities.

Morena requested protection for its candidates to the municipal presidencies of Abasolo, Acambaro, Irapuato, Ocampo, Salvatierra, Santiago Valley, San Diego de la Unionas well as for the candidate murdered in Celaya and of Lionalthough he did not indicate a name.

“We were not requesting for the entire state, it was for nine municipalities and we did it in a timely manner, among them was Celaya, Abasolo, Penjamo, Ocampo, San Felipe, Lion to mention a few,” he said. Mario Delgado.

Regarding the security of the candidates in the state, Governor Diego Sinhué Rodríguez Vallejo indicated that there is an agreement that indicates that the municipal police must cover the applicants to the town councils.

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“The way we had been working was as follows: candidates for federal deputies and senators, the National Guard HE would be responsible for your safety; candidates to governors and deputies localwould be the State forcesand mayors, it would be the municipal policebut if The State Public Security Forces are required to take care of candidateswhether they are federal or mayors, with all the strength of the state we will come in to help,” said the president in an interview for state television. TV4.

During the tour that Gisela Gaytán had prior to her murder, she had protection from the Celaya Tourist Police.

With information from Fernando Merino / El Sol de México, Christian Rendón / El Sol de León and Ana Medina / El Sol del Bajío

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