Morena will present a new candidate for mayor of Celaya on Saturday – El Sol de México

CELAYA, Gto.- Alma Edwviges Alcaraz Hernández, candidate for the Guanajuato governorship by Morenarevealed that on April 6 the party will present the person who will compete for mayor of Celaya, after the murder of candidate Gisela Gaytán.

Alcaraz Hernández explained that whoever occupies the candidacy will participate in the campaign kick-off event that was scheduled for Saturday.

“The case is being reviewed by the National Election Commission to see who could replace that candidacy, it is even being assessed whether there would be a possible gender issue derived from these circumstances,” explained the candidate for the governorship of Guanajuato.

He remembered that Surveys were carried out showing who is in the first places, Surely, he said, they could base themselves on those results to choose whoever heads the project.

“This is a decision that corresponds to the National Election Commission that surely in a few days he will speak out and issue the statement as he has done with the rest of the candidates,” he added.

He reported that on Saturday the official campaign start will take place, as already scheduled, in the Independence Causeway at 6:00 p.m. and will be headed with who will replace Gisela Gaytán.

Gisela Gaytán’s election as candidate sparked protests in Morena

It is worth remembering that, since the end of February, there was discontent among some militants and sympathizers of Brunette who did not agree with the appointment of Gisela Gaytán as candidate for the presidency of Celaya, for two reasons, the first, because initially it had been assured that The candidate would be a man.

And, second, because according to the survey Massive Caller which they themselves presented, Gerardo Sierra came in first place with 17%, followed by Juan Miguel Ramírez Sánchez with 15%, Ara Morales with 13%, Carmen Castrejon with 7% and Gisela with 6.7%.

With this data in hand, on March 9, the same group of militants and sympathizers protested with banners during the two events in which they participated in Celaya Alma Alcaraz and Fernández Noroña, spokesperson and liaison coordinator with social organizations of the campaign Claudia Sheinbaum. The first was in Morelos Market and the second in Ximhai Park.

Morena will present positioning at the Guanajuato Congress

On another topic, Alma Alcaraz reported that this morning, between 500 and 600 colleagues Morena from Celaya, will be present to listen to the positioning that you will be presenting at the Congress of the State of Guanajuato, David Martínez, coordinator of the fraction of Brunette in said congress.

He mentioned that they will be demanding “the elimination of the regulation that hinders and bureaucratizes the request for information, requiring Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, governor of Guanajuato, Prompt and rapid security attention when requested, so that they are not messing around.”

“Also requesting something very important, that there be more coordination with the federation, because this lack of coordination that has occurred has cost lives and this bureaucratization of a security procedure In a state like Guanajuato, where we have the first place in intentional homicides, the first place in culpable homicides, the first place in murder of police officers and look here at the case of Celaya, “the first place in murder of girls, boys and adolescents, the first place in violent deaths of women.”

He stated that It is not possible for the state to be in all these first places and they still begin to bureaucratize a procedure that should be attended to immediately, “without adding or removing commas or periods or saying that it has to start, it is that she is not registered as a candidate, they asked for the method, time and place of the event, there were threats that were evident.” Furthermore, she pointed out Jesus Oviedo, secretary of the State Government, because there was no follow-up or response to the request.

He stated that “we are in a failed state, they want to silence us, they want to silence us, but they are not going to achieve it, we are going to continue insisting that there is no public security strategy, that there is a lack of state police, that we are committing to tripling the number of state police, that there is no investigation area on the part of the state police, that there are many failures and that we have a governor who has only dedicated himself, I don’t know, to scratching his belly or turning the other way, but not to serve the people of Guanajuato.”

Originally published in The Sun of the Bajío

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