Names, names and names | Rethink challenging textbooks for the next six-year term, SEP in contempt and education in ruins – El Sol de México

Although the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador imposed textbooks on schools, the issue should not be forgotten.

Go even the SEP of Leticia Ramirez and some governments such as Edomex and Aguascalientes incurred contempt since there are many protections such as that of the National Union of Parents of Family that carries Israel Sanchez which achieved a definitive suspension.

In the preparation by the Educational Materials team in charge of Max Arriaga Article 3 of the Constitution, which requires consultations, was violated. Hence, the texts will further limit the learning of mathematics and science, do not have firm foundations for learning to read, and are full of concepts of class struggle. Furthermore, the results will not be measured either.

So in educational matters, a great challenge opens up for the next government, this is with Claudia Sheinbaum O well Xochitl Galvez.

Yesterday a group of researchers made a presentation of the educational panorama, especially that they even designed the books produced by the private publishers embedded in Caniem de Hugo Setzer and that complemented the offer.

Simply the number of students, which in 2016-2017 was 34.9 million, no longer recovered after the pandemic. Today the universe is at 33.1 million.

The infrastructure in schools is in tatters. Only 6.1% of schools have mixed bathrooms; In water, only 7 out of 10 have this element and when it comes to computers or the Internet, it is in 5 out of 10 schools.

He goes back. The successes in reading are located at a score of 43.9 in the 6th grade of primary school and 48.4 in the 3rd grade of secondary school. In mathematics they are 42 and 36 in each case.

The worst thing is that 2.9% of the GDP is allocated to education and in 2023 one billion 730 billion pesos will be spent.

So crossing your arms will not help in the future: it will only contribute to more ignorance.


Yesterday AMLO announced that railway concessions, in addition to cargo, must carry passengers. Old challenge. Input both KSCM Oscar del Cueto like Ferromex of Fernando Lopez Guerra They are willing to collaborate. On October 25 with investors Isaac Franklin GMéxico’s Finance helm referred to this position. Of course, the matter has its flaws. The roads will require reshaping. There are sections that currently do not fit the new requirement. In the US, both KSC and Union Pacific handle passengers in collaboration with Amtrak. Already in the last six-year term Abel Guerra who was a deputy in NL even proposed opening the roads to other cargo permit holders, but the issue did not prosper. Now it is more serious, especially since the concessions are open to carrying passengers. However, it will not be automatic.


In its latest reports the CEESP, which yesterday celebrated 60 years, has warned of the gradual weakness of public income. Like other forecasting firms, it also highlights the jump that public debt will take in 2024 with the risks. Carlos Hurtado The director of that center points out that the worst of all is that a good part of this debt will be for current expenses, which violates the Constitution since it should be directed toward investment. Obviously, Congress ignored.


And yesterday Francisco Cervantes of the CCE was at the National Palace. The businessman is a regular visitor there. At the end of the meeting, he said what Andrés Manuel López Obrador aims to spread: Acapulco will be up and running by December and there will be a Tourist Tianguis in April. The truth is that the reports that arrive daily confirm another reality that will be modified with a lot of money, which is not precisely visualized.

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