For at least fifteen years, international power structures have been going through a severe process of fragmentation and reconfiguration. We see, for example, a growing multipolarity – with increasingly greater dynamics of bipolarity –, the weakening of international regimes and fissures in the alliance system. The reconfiguration of the international system is perhaps less abstract when analyzing what happens in the Western Hemisphere at the moment.
Faced with an international and regional system defined by far-reaching changes – which will directly influence the viability, or weakening, of national states around the world – it is necessary to review the national security doctrine of the Mexican State. It is of special importance to give prominence to the multiplicity of trends, events and international actors that could impact the national interests and objectives of Mexico, as well as directly affect the conditions for the social and economic development of our people.
Aware of the strategic environment in which Mexico operates in the 21st century, it is necessary to strengthen a geopolitical and prospective approach when understanding national security. Giving greater priority to an international dimension will allow monitoring, analyzing and anticipating the global conditions that impact, today more than ever, the national security of Mexico – and that, therefore, would have to be addressed in the design, implementation and evaluation of a policy on the matter.
Furthermore, national security would have to be closely linked to another fundamental concept for the viability of the Mexican State, namely, the grand strategy. That is, to the direction and use that Mexico makes of any or all available national power assets, whether in the diplomatic, economic, social, military or technological sphere, for policy purposes (policy) and as decided by policy (politics) – it is understood, of course, that in accordance with national objectives and interests.
Raymond Aron He said, not without restlessness and impatience, that strategic thinking “is inspired every century, or rather every moment in history, from the problems that the events themselves pose.” And it seems that the political impetus and the national security doctrine in Mexico have been deeply rooted in the experience we have had as a country in the last 18 years; specifically, with regard to the fight against organized crime. Understandable, yes. But not enough.
It is necessary to explicitly recognize at a doctrinal level – but also at a legal and public policy level – that today the interests and aspirations of the Mexican State must be protected in the midst of an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous international scenario. It will depend on this type of conception of national security that Mexico strengthens its geostrategic position, while strengthening democratic governance, human rights and internal security throughout the national territory.
Furthermore, a national security doctrine that considers geopolitics essential will also be crucial for our country to be a factor of stability and peace in a hemisphere that has proven to be otherwise unstable. It is in this context of global geopolitical transition that Mexico moves and, more importantly, where it can prosper.