New findings in the Nazca Lines: anthropomorphic figures and felines found – El Sol de México

One of the most striking and enigmatic vestiges in the world are the Nazca Lines Located in Peruwhich recently made the news again after local media reported new findings of geoglyphs with shapes of felines and anthropomorphic beings.

According to the Andina News Agencyup to 29 geoglyphs were found in the districts of El Ingenio and Changuillo, located in the province of Nasca, Ica region. This discovery was possible thanks to a team made up of 20 students and an archaeologist from the San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica (Unica).

Omar Bendezú De la Cruz, archaeologist who led said research group, explained that part of his work consisted of aerial photographic analysis of the aforementioned regions. To do this, they used drones and later software facilitated the analysis of the geoglyphs found.

What was found?

In an interview with the Andina News Agency, the Peruvian archaeologist pointed out that up to 10 geoglyphs of figures with feline shapes with truly impressive characteristics have been found and identified. Well, they have various measurements that range from 17 meters long by 12 meters high to approximately 42 meters long by 43 meters high. It is worth mentioning that these were found in the El Ingenio district.

On the other hand, in San Juan in Changuilloeight geoglyphs with feline shapes were discovered, which, like those at El Ingenio, have large dimensions, ranging from 11.30 meters long by 9.53 meters high to approximately 37.31 meters long by 13.70 meters high.

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“The geoglyphs found face south, towards the Nasca Lines. The inhabitants of that time apparently had the feline as a deity or it had a very special meaning for them,” explained Bendezú.

Finally, the archaeologist pointed out that the Geoglyphs found date from between 300 BC and 100 AD and range from late Paracas to early Nasca.

What else is known about the Nazca Lines?

The specialized magazine, National Geographic, explains that they are geoglyphs which are divided into four groups according to their characteristics.

  • The first group is made up of straight lines and is the largest group, these have a width that ranges from forty centimeters to two and a half meters, in addition Its length can reach up to kilometerssome even project out of the valley.
  • In the second group, rectangular or triangular elements are characterized, which are considered as meeting points.
  • The third is made up of geometric shapes, from zigzags or spirals.
  • Finally, the fourth group brings together figurative designs. This is the smallest of the four, as it barely reaches thirty, however, they are the most famous in the world. Well, figurative geoglyphs like The hummingbird, the dog either the spider makes them quite striking.

Something that is also quite particular to the fourth group is that you can also see geoglyphs with shapes that seem to be surreal, it is hypothesized that this possibly shows a bit of dthe sacred universe of the Nazca, the ancient people to whom these vestiges are attributed.

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In accordance with National Geographicthe born culture, who was based in the Andean region of Peru between 200 BC and 800 AD, whose capital was the city of Cahuachi. Which is believed to have been a ceremonial center with multiple pyramidal structures. Finally, it should be noted that the Nazca culture used to bury the deceased in funerary bundles that were deposited in collective chambers.

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