Norma Piña: collaboration between the State and the Judiciary should not be confused with subordination – El Sol de México

Collaboration and dialogue between state powers should not be confused with the subordination of the Federal Judicial Power to other powers, stressed Norma Piña Hernandezminister president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

“As a society we must be very clear that, in a correct interpretation of our Constitution, we must never confuse collaboration and dialogue between the Powers of the State with the subordination of the Federal Judicial Power to the other powers,” said Norma Piña during the National Congress of the Mexican Bar Association that takes place in Querétaro.

During the plenary session “The Future of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in the future. An analysis 30 years after the 1994 Reform”, the minister president of the SCJN stressed that one of the greatest challenges facing democracy consists of preserve the division of powers and ensure the independence of the judiciary.

“Judicial independence is an essential pillar of democracy and the protection of rights; Judicial independence, and it must be very clear, is not a privilege of judges, it is a right of individuals, it is the principle that guarantees an adequate administration of justice to make effective the freedoms and equality of Mexicans. Judicial independence is the main guarantee of impartiality of the Judiciary,” he said.

The minister emphasized that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen recognizes the importance of the Division of Powers and judicial independence.

“More than two centuries after the approval of this document, it is necessary to insist on the importance of this principle. Today, more than ever, it is essential to socialize the value of judicial independence and the division of powers,” he emphasized.

The message from the minister president of the Supreme Court comes days after President Andrés Manuel López Obrador again attacked the Judicial Branch of the Federation after the release of the former director of Pemex, Emilio Lozoya Austin, after judges allowed him to carry out his judicial process for the Odebrecht case in freedom and with the use of a bracelet.

In his morning conference on Wednesday, López Obrador assured that since the Minister Norma Piña assumed the presidency of the Court “there is a license to steal” in the Judiciary.

After their arrival, “the judges protect and order that a criminal be released in hours, not 72 hours, in 24 hours and on Saturdays we have to watch” for the release of the criminals. criminals, he said.

He also stated that in the case of Lozoya Austin it was influenced by the fact that the SCJN was no longer there. former minister Arturo Zaldívar, who could be talked to to stop some releases.

“When Minister Zaldívar was president of the Court there was more modesty. Still, when there was a matter of this type, of this type, we respectfully intervenedbecause it is not only freedom, even when it is home freedom, for politicians, but also organized crime, with a lot of power,” revealed President López Obrador.

|| With information from El Sol de México ||

Note published in Querétaro Diary

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