Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas customs closes due to failures in the SAT system – El Sol de México

Failures in the Tax Administration Model System they kept foreign trade paralyzed of Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas for at least nine hours, because the closure of this customsconsidered one of the most important of Mexico.

In a statement, the National Customs Agency of Mexico (ANAM) reported that due to instructions from the central area, they were suspended starting at 10:00 p.m. yesterdayWednesday, operations in the International Bridge III of World Trade in Nuevo Laredo.

He explained that this suspension was due to the constant failures registered at the national level in the applications to process the dispatch of goods.

“All air operations are suspended” (cargo). This provision is not applicable in the area of ​​tourism, light vehicles and passengers, which will work during their regular hours,” the official communication stated.

Shortly after 7:00 a.m. this Thursday, truckers who were at the scene reported that activity began to be restored, although slowly.

Trailers communicate through social networks

While the system is being reset Service tax administration (SAT) at 100 percent truckers from Nuevo Laredo They have used social networks to communicate through groups where they are informed about the movement that occurs at this international crossing.

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On these platforms they share that greater mobilization is observed in the BridgeHowever, due to the closure, many trucks were closed so they asked the drivers to come forward to move the units and allow incipient progress.

In the information that they themselves have disseminated, they share an alleged report from the Association of Customs Agents in which they report that the restoration of the system is in process, so they ask for the support of the drivers to move the trucks that have been stranded since last night.

This bridge mobilizes 41% of the trade between Mexico and the United States

This international bridge is also known as Latin America’s door to the world, because 41 percent of commercial activity between Mexico and USA.

THE TAMPICO SUN reported on January 5 of this year that the governor of Tamaulipas, Americo Villarreal Anayaannounced that, due to the high movement of cargo, it was proposed to the United States Government to expand this crossing.

“Having 41 percent of the trade between Mexico and USA firstly and also, through the railway, which exists between Tamaulipas and the American Union, 54 percent of the trade through the train is carried out through the border of Tamaulipas,” he reported.

He specified that this facility provides around 17 percent of the collection for VAT in foreign trade operations throughout the country, coupled with the fact that Nuevo Laredo It collected 150 billion pesos in 2022 from this tax.

The mayor, Carmen Lilia Canturosas Villarrealreported that the expansion of the bridge is in the design stage of the executive project, although it is tentatively contemplated that an investment of at least 130 million pesos will be required.

“An executive project is already being made where they are going to give us the precise data, a preliminary is that they are talking about 130 million pesos but this is a preliminary data, the official data will come out with an executive project,” he declared.

He Nuevo Laredo International Bridge IIIwhose Customs remained closed during the night, it has a record of 14 thousand daily crossings with a growth of 5.5 percent annually.

Note published in The Sun of Tampico

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