Out of Agenda / A gray former judge for Guerrero – El Sol de México

In July 2019, the then secretary of agreements of the first military court in Mexico City, refused to make public the data that showed whether he had a possible conflict of interest in his work in the administration of justice. The official was the colonel of military justice – then recently promoted to that rank – Zipacná Jesús Torres Ojeda, who after leaving his declaration of assets and interests halfway, a few months later he was appointed military judge.

The name of Zipcaná Torres Ojeda has been in the news these days after the Congress of the state of Guerrero endorsed, by 43 votes out of 46, his appointment as the new attorney general in the entity. With barely any record in public opinion about her role as deputy prosecutor and number two to Lieutenant Colonel Sandra Luz Valdovinos, former head of the state attorney general’s office, who refused to leave office after Governor Evelyn Salgado dismissed her a few years ago Weeks after the murder of the Ayotzinapa normalista student Yanki Khotan Gómez Peralta, the colonel was appointed to take charge of a department characterized by ministerial negligence, criminal complicity and a nest of corruption at all levels.

Torres Ojeda is a military man trained as a sapper who studied law, and once qualified as a lawyer he reclassified in the military justice service. He began as secretary of agreements in 2011 in the first military court, in 2013 he became commissioner to the general directorate of administration of Sedena, where he was head of the section in charge of imports and exports of material and equipment of the agency. In 2017 he returned to the military justice service at the same court as settlement secretary and later as judge. Before leaving as deputy prosecutor to Guerrero, where he is from, he was deputy director of public defenders, a position with which he participated in a course from the legal area of ​​​​the US Department of Defense on “Legal Aspects of Peace and Stability Operations” . His military record records that he has a master’s degree in law from the Universidad Iberoamericana, and it is striking that he does not have any experience in law enforcement or areas linked to the investigation of common law crimes, something that would be a basic requirement for the position assumed by the last Wednesday April 3rd.

In Guerrero, the military intelligence areas have guaranteed continuity in the flow of information from civil areas of the state government with the appointment of Torres Ojeda and General Gabriel Zamudio López, appointed last Monday, March 25, as the new head of public security of the state. This does not imply that the situation of chaos and anarchy generated by the vacuum of political power and the criminal control of the majority of city councils will be reversed in the medium or long term. Military sources indicate that in Guerrero the situation will continue to worsen because the system of complicities that surrounds Senator Félix Salgado Macedonio and his daughter who serves as governor, remains intact and supported by the President of the Republic who has ignored the warnings of what what happens in the state.


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