Pension Fund for Wellbeing: Morena may approve it in commissions – El Sol de México

Morena and her allies of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico and the Labor Party, may approve in commission of Social Security, the reforms for creation of the Pension Fund for Wellbeing, that will subtract workers’ resources from the unclaimed Afores of people aged 70 and 75.

The Social Security Commission this formed by 29 deputies of which 12 are from Brunettethree from the PVEM and two from the PT, thus achieving the simple majority required.

For its part, the opposition made up of the PAN, PRI and MC only reach 12 votes of the 15 required, so they will have no option to achieve its rejection and it will practically be approved.

Once you move to Plenary of the Chamber of Deputiesin the same way requires of simple majoritythat is, half of the votes of the legislators plus one, so there would be 251 votes of the 500 deputies, if they all attended the session.

Unless there were not 500 in the session and Morena and allies did not reach a simple majority, the opposition of the PAN, PRI, PRD and MC would have the opportunity to overthrow the initiative of Ignacio Mier.

What does the Pension Fund for Wellbeing consist of?

On Monday the Social Security Commission will discuss Morena’s initiative, which seeks to create the Pension Fund for Welfarewhere the government intends to put the Retirement Savings funds due to unemployment and the Housing Fundboth integrated into the workers’ Afores system.

The reform indicates that the Pension Fund for Welfare will have the legal power to take resources from the Afore of people 70 years old (integrated into the IMSS) and 75 (integrated into the ISSSTE) that have not withdrawn their resources.

The creation of the Pension Fund for Wellbeing, proposed by Morena, will ensure that 45 million Mexican workers who began to pension and retire in 1996 can have a pension of 16,400 pesos up to 18,400 pesos per monthadditional to the pension for older adults.

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