Pensions in the times of lies – El Sol de México

The best instrument designed by society to protect the rights that derive from the dignity of the person is Social Security (SS). From this dignity emanate all the rights that the State must recognize, promote and guarantee, assuming that the principle of solidarity ensures the achievement of social well-being.

The SS addresses various areas such as old age, disability and death, illness and maternity, unemployment and family allowances. Furthermore, sustainable financing systems are structured based on demographic, financial, economic, actuarial and legal studies that guarantee their long-term viability. term. Generally, funds are established that operate as insurance that constitute a sufficient reserve to pay for contingencies or cases that arise in each item.

When a new SS system is created, the corresponding calculations are made to establish the contribution amounts that all members of the system will give to achieve the benefits that have been proposed. Thus, depending on the conditions of age, sex and epidemiological profiles, the quotas, the amount of benefits and the conditions to receive them are established. As time goes by, the demographic and epidemiological situation of the target population changes and the parameters must be adjusted, either by increasing quotas for workers, employers and the government, the minimum contribution times and the retirement age, or by lowering the retirement amount. Therefore, throughout the world, reforms to social security systems, particularly in the area of ​​pensions, become matters of State with a long-term vision that must be treated seriously.

Therefore, it is very strange that, at the start of the election year, the President announced reforms to the Constitution to grant “pensions of 100% of the last salary to all workers”. The proposal was a trap for the opposition, since their calculation was that it would be rejected as absurd, but the opposition parties expressed their support as long as clear long-term sustainable financing mechanisms were established without eliminating autonomous organizations.

Here the first lie was discovered, there was no serious financing plan, so much so that despite having presented the initiative to reform constitutional article 123, Morena never promoted it. So the first changes came and it was announced that to achieve the purpose a seed fund with public resources that would be taken from utilities of Mexicana de Aviación and the Mayan Train (which it had already offered to the military), as well as the SCJN trust and extinction of Autonomous Bodies. The opposition and specialists immediately pointed out how illegal and unrealistic this idea was, because, even if that money were taken, it would be laughable given the size of the financial challenge and this was the second lie.

Then the government began to qualify its proposal, it would no longer be for all workers, but only to those registered with the IMSS who began their contributions with the 1997 reform and who would be reaching the time to demand their pension, which is only 18,000 people. The term of 100% of the last salary was also limited and was capped at the average salary in the country, around 16 thousand pesos, these being the third and fourth lies, “neither for all workers nor 100% of the last salary”.

All of the above culminated in a robbery, after so many inconsistencies, Morena presents and approves in the legislative chambers an initiative to confiscate the unclaimed accounts of workers who have already turned 70 years old and have not withdrawn their savings, and transfer them to a Pension Fund for Welfare, instead of creating a fund with public resources obtained from legitimate sources, López opted for a heist because the government is takingprivate money from savings accounts to which you have not contributed a single cent“. The fifth and sixth lies, neither public fund nor guarantee of future funding.

Not only the opposition expressed their rejection of this measure, but also the workers affiliated with the CTM and the Coparmex businessmen. Their objections, in addition to rejecting the robbery, consist of not knowing the investment regime, the operating rules and supervision mechanisms. Why have these resources been removed from the scope of scrutiny of the consar where there are representatives of the contributors, workers and employers who have demonstrated efficiency in their investments? Let us remember that the money found in the Afores is not kept in a locked vault, it is invested mostly in cetes, this means that “The main creditor of the workers is the government, the same one that confiscates this money“, there is something very murky in this act. Here is the seventh lie, they are not interested in a fund, they want to obtain financial profits, especially thinking that this is only the beginning of a barrage against the Afores.

The worst lie is the one raised by Claudia Sheinbaum, who continues to exploit this robbery electorally and announces it as the government’s action to ensure that all workers have a pension of 100% of their last salary, when, as has been explained, “It is only for a few workers and is not 100% of their last salary”, but it sounds nice. How cool!

President of the Mexican Academy of Education

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