Sam Altman negotiates to return to direct OpenAI two days after being suddenly fired – El Sol de México

Sam Altmanone of the founders of the company of OpenAI artificial intelligenceis negotiating with the board to return as its top executive after his surprise firing on Friday, according to media reports. USA.

Altman, who has become the visible face of the company that developed the popular AI chatbot ChatGPThas the support of several investors, according to The New York Timeswhich cites sources close to the conversations.

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He is also negotiating his return Greg Brockman, who until Friday was a board director at OpenAI but who resigned after hearing the news of the dismissal of Altman.

Even so, sources indicate that There is no guarantee that executives will return to the company.

Between the investors who support Altman’s return is Microsoftwho has invested several billion dollars in the company, which he considers his “partner” in the field of artificial intelligenceaccording to the chain CNBC.

Altman was fired by the OpenAI board on Fridayin what seems like a internal power struggle that caught everything off guard Silicon Valley.

In a statement, the board explained that the executive “was not consistently honest in their communications” with the body, which affected their ability “to exercise their responsibilities“.

“The board of directors no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI“, indicated the message, which also named Mira Muratiuntil now head of technology, as interim CEO while the body looks for a permanent candidate.

Altman co-founded and co-chaired OpenAI with Elon Muskwho left the company in 2018.

The company is on the crest of the wave of advances in generative artificial intelligence since it launched, a year ago, ChatGPTa “chatbot” that went viral for its ability to chat with human users.

It is structured as a non-profit company and governed by an independent majority board of directors, that is, without participation in the capitalso the investors They do not have decision-making capacity, at least officially.

OpenAI workers could resign and join Sam Altman

In accordance with The Vergesources close to the talks they said that Sam Altman He is not completely convinced to return to technology company and if I did, I would wait significant changes in the board of directors.

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Presumably, board had agreed in principle resign and allow Altman and Brockman They will return, but so far nothing is definitive.

Behind the Altman’s dismissalothers OpenAI workers contemplate the possibility of leave technology and join Sam Altman and Greg Brockman and start another company.

With information from EFE

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