Solar eclipse triggers hotel and transportation prices in states where it will darken the most – El Sol de México

The astronomical fever for him solar eclipse that It will be visible next April 8 in the northwest of the country increased hotel and transportation prices in states like Coahuila, Sinaloa and Durango. In KeepFor example, the price of a night of hotel went from one thousand 200 pesos on average last year to three thousand pesos or more for next weekend and Monday, if availability is found, said Rocío Reséndiz, president of the Mexican Association of Travel Agencies (AMAV) Coahuila.

“The hotel is full, we are totally packedthere may be some rooms available in small hotels, but we are practically at 100 percent occupancy according to reservations.

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There are even some houses that are offering lodging for people who need a couple of days,” he said. In an interview, he added that flight prices went from about five thousand pesos round from the Mexico City almost 18 thousanddue to the high demand for these dates that overlap with the high holiday season.

The Ministry of Tourism and Magical Towns of the entity expects that the event will leave a economic spill superior to the 900 million pesos due to the tourism that arrives to appreciate the phenomenon.

This situation is repeated in Durangowhere total darkness is also expected due to the eclipse, so hotel room reservations were at 80 percent at the beginning of the week, according to data from the AMAV state.

Gina Rivas Diazpresident of the organization, said that The price of hotels went above 1,800 pesos per night to between five and six thousand pesoson average, before the increase in demand.

“Have Hotels two or three stars that of 800 pesos they passed to three thousand pesos a night (…) those of four to five stars They are already full, although on some platforms they appear with availability of up to 10 thousand pesos”.

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The directive highlighted that flights between Durango and others Destinations as the capital of the country are practically full for the weekendwhich has increased the prices of plane tickets.

Amín Vera will travel by car with his family from San Luis Potosí until the Nuevo Ideal municipalityin Durango. He ruled out the option of arriving by plane because prices had risen a year ago. The enthusiast shared with this newspaper that while he was planning this trip, he found that in the municipality of Nazasthe inhabitants began to rent the rooms in their houses because the demand for accommodation was very high and in reality there are few hotels and the Airbnb they were already stuffed.

“The towns around Nazas vain to make tournaments soccerthey will make a truck rollthey are going to give a keynote conference on ufos, witches and ghosts; even classes yoga to align the chakras.”

The AMAV of Durango has a record of tours that were organized for said event, such as walks, excursions and camps with explanations about the astronomical phenomenonwhich range from 380 pesos for a walk and appreciate the eclipse up to four thousand pesos for an experience ecotourism with lodging in cabins.

In Mazatlan The panorama is not different. According to information from the Sinaloa Tourism Secretariat, the occupancy is almost full for the next few days waiting for about 120 thousand visitors. Just for him April 8, The state government foresees an additional spill of 500 million pesos.

Frida Letters not a fan of eclipses, but wants to witness what will happen next April 8 to overcome that trauma that her father left her when she was a child and did not let her or her sisters see the 1991 eclipse “because they were going to get sick.”

In March of last year, he said, he was in Mazatlanwhere he was born, and a neighbor asked him if he wouldn’t come in 2024 to see the eclipse. She had no idea that this alignment between the sun, the earth and the moon would happen again, but the subconscious took her to that scene of her father locking her away from her, who immediately took her cell phone and started to search flights.

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Disappointment arose when seeing that the flights were in 15 thousand pesos, when they normally cost less than half that amount. But this did not limit Frida and will travel by car with his partner and some friends from Mexico City towards Mazatlán.

“He Budget is five thousand pesos per person. Will 12 hours in a van. In gasoline We estimate that we will spend as four thousand pesos. We are not going to get to a hotel or Airbnb, they lent us a house and from there we will see” he said happily

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