Synod and delicate points – El Sol de México


Before and during the recent first assembly of the Synod of Bishops, some had concerns that the traditional doctrine and morals that we have upheld in the Catholic Church could be changed. Someone sent me the little book The Synodal Process, a Pandora’s box, in which many of the points that are in themselves controversial are questioned, but ensuring that another Church was intended to be formed, different from the one wanted by Jesus. Some brother cardinals even raised doubts about him in the same direction to the Pope, almost accusing him of being a heretic.

In addition to the issue of the female diaconate, which I dealt with in my previous article, there are delicate points about which there is a lot of discussion, and they imagined that everything would change; for example, the indiscriminate acceptance of homosexuals, communion for divorced and remarried people, etc. On these issues, the Magisterium of the Church has already spoken, but they continue to doubt the fidelity to the Word of God and holy Tradition.

The Pope has insisted in many ways that our only way is Jesus Christ, and that from him we must learn how to be the Church: more centered on Jesus, more adoring of the Father, more led by the Spirit, and therefore more Samaritan, more merciful. , closer to people, independent of their moral condition, since Jesus came for sinners, not for those who believe themselves to be saints; this without losing fidelity to the Truth of the Gospel. Whoever meets Jesus is transformed. Sin is not legitimized, but he loves people. By the way, harmonizing truth and love is a task that Pope Benedict XVI already addressed in his encyclical Caritas in veritate (VI-29-2009).

What was said about some of these points?


“The pages of the Gospel show that Jesus goes out to meet people in the uniqueness of their history and situation. He never starts from prejudices or labels, but from an authentic relationship in which he involves himself wholeheartedly, even at the cost of exposing himself to misunderstanding and rejection. Jesus always hears the cry for help of those in need, even when he remains unexpressed; He makes gestures that transmit love and restore trust; He makes a new life possible with His presence: whoever encounters Him comes out transformed. This happens because the truth of which Jesus is the bearer is not an idea, but the very presence of God among us; and the love with which he acts is not just a feeling, but the justice of the Kingdom that changes history.

Some issues, such as those related to gender identity and sexual orientation, end of life, difficult marital situations, and ethical issues related to artificial intelligence, are controversial not only in society, but also in the Church. The behavior of Jesus, assimilated in prayer and in the conversion of the heart, shows us the way to follow.”

“Listening is a prerequisite for walking together in search of God’s will. Listening requires unconditional acceptance. This does not mean abdicating clarity when presenting the message of salvation of the Gospel.”


Instead of just judging, condemning, rejecting and excluding people who seem to lead a life contrary to our faith, we must learn to respect them, understand their motivations, give them cordial affection, include them in whatever possible and offer them the liberating message and plenifying of Jesus Christ. He transforms us, because he loves us.

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