Telmex is in the red, but Slim rules out selling it – El Sol de México

Mexican businessman Carlos Slim Helú recognized that Telmex “is no longer a business,” since it has been operating in the red for almost a decade. due to their labor liabilities and lack of competitiveness in other segments.

“Telmex did not sell itself cheap; We were inherited pensions from people aged 48 and 53 and then it doesn’t count. Fortunately, that has already been restructured,” mentioned the Mexican businessman.

At a press conference, Slim Helú specified that Telmex’s labor liabilities covered around 41 thousand retirees, but that at least 270 billion pesos are required to significantly reduce it.

However, he highlighted that an agreement was recently reached with some workers to reduce their working hours per week in order to lengthen their retirement time in the coming years.

Added to these economic pressures is that in the last 10 years, lThe company has not obtained dividends either and that, according to its estimates, it would be until 2040 that Telmex could alleviate its financial situation.

“Telmex was not a gift, I assure you and I bet it; “I am not going to sell it because it is Mexican,” said the richest businessman in Mexico.

On the other hand, he indicated that they will wait “patiently” for a positive response from the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) to participate in the pay television service, since it is currently one of the few telephone companies in the world that does not allow them offer that service.

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