TEPJF confirms Javier Corral’s multi-member candidacy for the Senate – El Sol de México

The Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) confirmed the multi-member candidacy of Javier Corral, former governor of the PAN of Chihuahua, to the Senate of the Republic under the acronym Morena.

In a public session, the magistrates confirmed the registration of Javier Corral, after the PRI challenged his candidacy for not meeting the eligibility requirements established in the Constitution.

The tricolor accused that the former governor of Chihuahua has dual nationality, Mexican and American, and had not renounced his American nationality at the time of being registered as a candidate, so his registration had to be void.

In this regard, Judge Felipe Fuentes Barrera, author of the draft resolution, indicated that although Javier Corral was born in the United States, with which he became a citizen of that country, in 1991 he renounced the rights granted to him by the North American country. .

“It is not proven in the record that the acquisition of dual nationality was voluntary nor are there any indicative elements of evidence from which submission, obedience and fidelity to the aforementioned foreign State or any other State can be presumed. On the other hand, it has been proven that in 1991 the candidate renounced the protection of any foreign power as well as any right granted to him by the states that recognize him as their national,” indicates the magistrate’s project.

Javier Corral joined the team of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, presidential candidate of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition (Morena-PT-PVEM), in December 2023; Currently he is in charge of the anti-corruption strategy of the presidential standard-bearer’s government plan.

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