The importance of the opposition – El Sol de México

Next Sunday, February 18, the third citizen demonstration in defense of democracy will take place, inviting citizens from all over the country to take to the streets and make demands regarding human rights. The series of headless reforms that AMLO intends to make will also be denounced, a few months after concluding his mandate, and the folly of disappearing autonomous organizations. Why didn’t he do it before or at the beginning of his term? These are questions that stand out, but finding a reasonable answer from the president is worse than leaving the dark fantasy of Pan’s Labyrinth. On this occasion, participants were asked to come dressed in white and pink and carrying a Mexican flag.

It is estimated that the number of people and opposition organizations that will attend will be much greater than the marches carried out in other years. This phenomenon is clear evidence of a latent social conflict that permeates the country, due to the unrest against the current government and the polarization that the Federal Executive has achieved since the beginning of the six-year term. Unfortunately we find ourselves divided; there is no consensus. The president is smart and cultured and knows the consequences of the above. In Rwanda in 1994, the extreme polarization between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes with an authoritarian regime led to practices of exclusion of one race from another, leading to genocide. In Mexico, political polarization has caused the nation to divide into two sides: “the good and the bad.” It seems like a pyromania where the attraction to fire and the impulse to start fires cannot be stopped. Arsonists, unlike the latter, are those who intentionally set fires with the intention of causing harm. The line is thin to determine if AMLO is a pyromaniac or arsonist. What do you think?

It seems that, to date, the democracy that has been built is only a facade. The opposition could be reduced to a minimum, extremely weakened. Without a solid opposition, congresses could be dominated by a single color, which could result in facilitating the reforms that the party of that color wants. Power is so concentrated in a single person that hearing disagreements is null and void.

Building a solid opposition is essential for any democratic regime. This is essential if we really want to build a better democracy. At this moment it seems that the “bad” side PRI.PAN.PRD is going downhill and that MORENA becomes the all-powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent party, but we have time to change that reality. If you are genuinely concerned about the direction of the country, vote for an opposition that counters the current “regime.” The important thing is to control polarization and reach a middle point, where everyone has a voice and vote, not just a few. Exercise your right of expression and go out to fight so that the abyss stipulated in the constitution and what happens in reality, find harmony and assert rights above all, to achieve a good balance of power.

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