The Last of the Line were not dead, they were out partying – El Sol de México

The last on the line, group that has presented their new album titled Pyramid Disruption, After 25 years of recording silence, he has specified that the release of this album with the re-recording of several of its most emblematic songs does not mean the return of the duo, since both assure that they had never left the music scene.

The singer of the group, Manolo Garciadetails that this new recording – from 1995, with Rise of the Frogmen, They do not record a studio album, without counting on the live album published in 2016 – it should not be understood as the return of the Catalan band, for which they do not yet have a specific plan.

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For his part, the guitarist Quimi Portet has defended that this new album “it is not tied to any (marketing) operation at all”in reference to its publication leading to a possible tour or concerts for the band.

In any case, he has explained that, although Last in Line disbanded, both he and García continued their path in music. ”If that had not been the case, we would now be thinking about returning to the stage, and it would make a lot of sense,” he points out.

Regarding the release date of the album, García has reported that it was not done with premeditation so that it coincided with the announcement of his solo tour through Spainscheduled for 2024.

“There is no commercial premeditation and we don’t do marketing, we make songs and have fun,” he says.

The disc Pyramid Disruption It has 24 songsa work that according to the duo has been “relatively extensive in time”, since they have worked on it for more than two years and intermittently.

Furthermore, Portet has stressed that “They have always been more interested in composing and recording new material” as opposed to the possibility of recording a compilation album.

In that sense, Portet has specified that they made “a kind” of compilation with their third album, New Blends, a compendium of songs they released from their first two albums along with two
new compositions because the first two albums “Technically they were not up to par at that time.”

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During the presentation of this material, the duo confirmed that El Último de la Fila has not only dedicated itself to music, but they have also carried out “environmental activism”since according to García, instead of opting for sponsorship of commercial products during their joint career, both opted to “remind people” about environmental awareness.

So, Manolo García has highlighted the urgency of environmental reflection starting with young peoplesince “the world scientific body warns and instructs about the need for this, while the world political body ignores that scientific evidence,” he lamented.

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