The race for 2024 and its electoral times begins – El Sol de México

Now yes, next Monday the race to participate in the elections on Sunday, June 2, 2024 officially begins with the start of the pre-campaigns in several states of the country, despite the fact that, in reality, the race began a long time ago. Several months.

In these elections, Mexicans will elect, in addition to the presidency, 128 senators, 500 federal deputies, eight governors, 31 local congresses, the head of government of Mexico City and various popularly elected positions, for a total of more than 20 thousand charges.

The race for the presidency will be historic, since for the first time two women and only one man will participate: Claudia Sheinbaum, candidate of Morena and her allies, Xóchitl Gálvez of the Frente Amplio por México (FAM), made up of the PAN, PRD and the PRI ; as well as Samuel García from Movimiento Ciudadano.

The entities that the political parties will compete for, whether individually or in coalition, will be: Mexico City, governed by Martí Batres, after Claudia Sheinbaum resigned on June 16, 2023. (Morena)

Chiapas, governed by Rutilio Escandón (Morena), Guanajuato, governed by Diego Sinhue Rodríguez (National Action Party); Jalisco, governed by Enrique Alfaro (Citizen Movement); Morelos, governed by Cuauhtémoc Blanco (Social Encounter); Puebla, governed by Sergio Salomón Céspedes (Morena); Tabasco, governed by Carlos Manuel Merino (Morena); Veracruz, governed by Cuitláhuac García (Morena) and Yucatán, governed by Mauricio Vila (PAN).

The only party that already has everything ready is Morena, since the opposition has only defined its contender for the presidency and in several states, it still does not agree on whether or not it will go in alliance, and even less what will be the method to elect their standard bearers.

Such is the case of Morelos, where the PAN will compete alone, since the local leadership decided not to support Senator Lucía Meza, who resigned from Morena after being denied the possibility of participating in the internal survey due to her ties with prosecutor Uriel. Carmona.

In Mexico City, although it was decided that they would go together, the internal struggles have caused the definition to be delayed, because each of the parties designated its candidate: The PRI, Adrián Rubalcava, the PAN, Santiago Taboada and the PRD , Luis Espinoza Cházaro, therefore, the candidacy will be defined after holding forums and a survey.

In the other entities things are not better

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