There are 16 candidates for a candidacy murdered: Electoral Laboratory – El Sol de México

There are 16 candidates for a candidacy those who have been murdered so far from the current electoral processaccording to a report from Electoral Laboratory which is directed by Arturo Espinosa Selisspecialist in electoral law.

The report presented this day tells of the events that occurred since June 4, 2023, the date on which the advanced processes of the parties began to elect their presidential candidatesuntil February 7 and the results show that eight of the assassinated candidates They had affiliation with Brunette; 12 to PRI, PAN and PRD, with four each; three to Citizen Movement and one to the Green Party.

The victims listed in the report are Javier Torres, former candidate for the municipal presidency of Chiautla, Puebla, and who was seeking to compete for mayor again; Moisés Tomás Juárez AbarcaSecretary of Sexual Diversity of the PRD in Guerrero; Alejandro Lanuza Hernández, PAN councilor in Salvatierra Guanajuato.

Wilman Monje Moralesformer mayor of Gutiérrez Zamora, Veracruz: Miguel Ángel Cruz Roblesformer leader of the PRI in Villa del Carbón, State of Mexico, and who aspired to be president of said municipality; Dagoberto García Riveraleader of Morena in Maravatío, Michoacán; Jaime Damaso Soliscandidate for the municipal presidency of Zilatla, Guerrero; Ricardo Taja Ramirezcandidate for federal deputy for Morena in Guerrero; Alfredo Giovani Lezama Ramírezcouncilor of Cuautla, Morelos.

David Rey González Morenocandidate for mayor of Suchiate, Chiapas; Sergio Huesocandidate for the municipal presidency of Almería, Jalisco; Miriam Noemi Ríos RíosCommissioner of the Citizen Movement in Michoacán; Samantha Carolina Gómez Fonsecacandidate for the Senate of the Republic for Morena; Marcelino Ruiz Esteban, former mayor of Atlixtac, Guerrero; QOrfirio Hernandez, pre-candidate for mayor of Jalpan, Puebla; and Jaime Veracandidate for mayor of Mascota, Jalisco.

The report indicates that, in the aforementioned period, 50 cases of electoral violence have been registered, of which 33 correspond to people who were murdered without necessarily seeking a candidacy.

During the presentation of the report, Arturo Espinosa warned that the 2024 electoral process is headed to be the most violent in the history of Mexico, due to the interference of organized crime.

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“I tell you that 2024 is going to be the most violent process in history; We believe that violence is going to grow as the campaigns begin and in the periods of defining the candidacies. Organized crime seeks to fear interference, we believe it is a fight for power and for the interference that may be had in governments and representations,” he said.

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