They approve a 20% increase in general and professional minimum salaries – El Sol de México

This morning, it was agreed, after more than 4 hours of negotiations in the National Minimum Wages Commission (Conasami), a 20 percent increase in general minimum wages and in the Northern Border Zone.

The Labor Sector still reiterated its proposal of 25 percent on the morning of this Thursday, November 30.

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The general minimum wages as of January 1, 2024 will be 248.93 pesos per day. And in the Northern Border Zone of $374.89 pesos

In the tripartite negotiations, until 10:00 p.m. this Thursday, November 30, the employer sector had raised its proposal of a 12.8 percent increase in minimum wage payments and it took almost 3 hours to reach 20 percent. of increase.

For the Labor Sector, the spokesperson José Luis Carazo Preciado considered “fundamental to shield the engine that generates the wealth of our country from any adversity.”

In the request that the Labor Sector made the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS)this November 15, was to recover the percentage distance existing in 2016 between the general minimum wage and the professional minimum wages.

“The increase in both perceptions is not only a precept of Federal Labor Law in its article 93. It is an essential requirement so that workers can have a better purchasing power and not be impacted by inflation and other economic variables.”

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And take into consideration that the increase requested for both salaries: general and professional minimumshas no impact on inflation, as indicated by the analyzes issued by the Bank of Mexico at the request of the Council of Representatives of the Conasami.

In a few more hours, at the morning conference all the details of this negotiation of general minimum wages will be announced, such as the minimum professional salaries that will be in force as of January 1, 2024.

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