They exhibit failures in controls for the delivery of pension cards – El Sol de México

The Secretary of Welfare “there is not enough evidence” that confirm the process of delivery and replacement of cards of pensions for older adultsone of the flagship social programs of the call Fourth Transformation.

According to Final Results Report of the internal audit to the Ministry of Welfarewith the number 901-09/2023, the agency headed by Ariadna Montiel Reyes had not documented, at least until December 13, 2023, “procedures, activities or actions related to the banking of beneficiaries” of the program.

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In the inspection, the Internal control organ (OIC) of the Secretary of Welfare concluded that The agency “does not have the process for issuing bank cards documented.”as well as the process for replacing bank cards as a means of payment for the program Pension for the well-being of the Older Adults”.

The document highlights that the OIC of said agency consulted, between September and October 2023, the Manual of Procedures of the Undersecretariat of Welfare and the Manual of Procedures of the General Directorate of Comprehensive Operation of Programswhere it was detected, in the macroprocess called Transparency and Archivethat “no procedures or activities related to the delivery of bank cards and/or replacement of bank cards of the program are identified. Pension for the Welfare of the Elderly”.

The Sun of Mexico searched for the version of the Secretary of Welfare through the deputy director of the department’s Dissemination and Social Media Service area, Elba Osiris Díaz Morales, but until the closing of this edition there was no answer.

According to data from the Fifth López Obrador Government Reportuntil July 2023 the support program for adults over 65 years of age had a registry of 12.1 million peoplewhich since January of this year They receive a bimonthly pension of six thousand pesos.

Said social program, one of the most emblematic for the Republic Presidentincreased its budget by 471 percent from 2018 to 2024when passing from 39.1 billion pesos at the beginning of this administration to 465.4 billion pesos for this year, the last of López Obrador’s six-year termaccording to him Federation Expenditure Budget (PEF) 2024.

In his last asset declaration (2023), Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported a extra annual income of 19 thousand 310 pesosgiven that Due to his age he also receives this support. The President turned 70 years old of age on November 13, so this social benefit from the administration he heads could have been received from the first year of his government, although it was not until this mandatory exercise of accountability of all public servants that the Tabasco native registered this income.

Among the observations made by the OIC of the Secretary of Welfarewhich they sign Nancy Lilian Toledo Mendozadirector of Development and Administrative Efficiency of the supervisory body, as well as the consultant José Elías Moreno Adame, it is also highlighted that in the Procedures Manual of the General Directorate for the Validation of Beneficiaries 2023 “no procedures related to actions aimed at achieving banking use were identified” of the beneficiaries.

The above – the document points out – despite the fact that This is indicated in “paragraph four, section 4.1 of the Agreement Process.” “by which the Operating Rules of the Pension Program for the Well-being of Older Adults are estimated for the fiscal year 2023.”

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Others inspection processes that did not solve the dependency was the validation of incorporation of beneficiaries and beneficiaries of pensions and programs for Welfare in the states of the Republic; the confirmation of the incorporation of the implementation of pensions and Welfare programs in the entities, as well as the programming and implementation of the payment operation of pensions and programs in the 32 states.

The internal audit concludes that “sufficient, competent, relevant and pertinent evidence was not presented to identify, in the National Catalog of Procedures, Services, Inspections and Regulations throughout Mexicothe record of the registered procedures and services, related to the S176 Pension for Wellbeing Program of the Older Adultsvalid as of 2023, nor the files of the procedures related to the procedures and services for the delivery or replacement of bank cards.”

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