They locate the body of a third miner trapped in “El Pinabete” – El Sol de México

Torreón, Coahuila.- The Attorney General of the State of Coahuila, Gerardo Márquez Guevara confirmed the rescue of the third body of the ten miners trapped in the La Agujita mine known as “El Pinabete”this after just a few days ago the joint working group had located the first two.

“We can say at this moment that a third body of the miners trapped in the coal pit has already been located, but it will not be until the rescue of each and every one of them is completed, when it is already will start working one hundred percent on your identificationwhich could take about two more months,” highlighted the state official.

In this regard, he pointed out that it will be in approximately a month and a half, it could be a little sooner, given the good results that have been obtained from the start, when the recovery of the remains of the ten miners trapped in a clandestine coal pit in the La Agujita community, in Sabinas, Coahuila; The identification will be made later, which could take two months, he stressed.

The working group of Mexico City and the State Attorney General’s Office is complying with its established protocol, and the results are already being observed with the rescue of the first three bodies. This process could last up to 45 days, according to the findings. .

“It must be made clear that the identification of the bodies will begin once the first phase, which is their rescue, is concluded, then it will be possible to review the genetic material, fragments, tissues and even clothing that they were wearing at the time of the tragedy to proceed with their identification,” stressed the Prosecutor, Gerardo Márquez.

Regarding whether these bodies have been located disarticulated, he confirmed that yes, so that will be another task on the part of the group of specialists for their articulation, he indicated.

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The work you have done Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), the Federal Civil Protection Coordination and SEDENA itself“I think it has been important to move the earth and everything that has been done at the federal level now involves fine work with information from co-workers and we are finding some indications where the information was generated,” he concluded.

Note published in The Laguna Sun

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