They try to lynch suspects in the kidnapping and murder of the girl Camila in Taxco, Guerrero – El Sol de México

Moments of tension and violence were experienced this Thursday in Taxco, Guerrerowhen residents tried to lynch to three suspects for him kidnapping and murder of the girl Camila8 years oldwhose body was found in the Zacapalaco booth, on the border between Guerrero and Morelos.

After confirming that The little girl died at the hands of her kidnappers and the body was found inside some black bags, citizens took to the streets of Taxco today to demand justice and They surrounded the home of the alleged perpetratorsafter the videos about what had happened with Camila.

Out of anger, some protesters took over two taxis allegedly owned by the kidnappers and they managed to overturn them to destroy them.

Then several of them They broke into the house to force the two men and a woman out onto the whom they began to hit them incessantly.

Although the elements of the Police and National Guard tried to rescue themthe crowd did not allow it and several times they took them again because they wanted to do justice by his own hand.

After several minutes that the people were angry, the soldiers arrived to take the two beaten men and rescue them from the crowd, while The woman was taken out of a police van and again she was beaten to leave her lying on the ground, unconscious and without the upper part of her clothing.

The little one Camila Gómez Ortega disappeared at noon on Wednesday happened after leaving his house, located in the La Florida neighborhood, to play with some friends.

In videos from a security camera it is observed that one of the captors is carrying it carrying hidden in a black bag to a taxi and then put it in the trunk.

According to the first reports, the Camila’s parents They were asked for a considerable amount for his ransom, but this Thursday the body was discovered inside a black bag was located near the Zacapalaco booth.

Taxco It is one of the most famous cities in Mexico for the processions what he does in Easterbut that of Holy Thursday could be suspended in protests by eThe kidnapping and murder of the 8-year-old girl Camila.

|| With information from El Sol de Acapulco ||

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