Transportation strike in Acapulco leaves businesses with losses of 40 million pesos – El Sol de México

The strike of public transport in Acapulco let losses of more than 40 million pesos to the port businessstated Ignacio Rendón Romero, president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) in the municipality.

After participating in the presentation of the Actions for the Economic Reactivation of Acapulco initiative, the manager pointed out that companies could not open their doorss because workers could not reach their workplaces.

The manager added that among the most affected sectors are hotels and restaurants.

Last Monday, public transportation in Acapulco was suspended in different neighborhoods of the town due to threats and attacks by organized crime on transporters. This is the second time that the transportation service in the municipality has been paralyzed.

“We hope it doesn’t happen again, because it really does collapse the entire city and the economy of Acapulco also collapses, which is barely recovering after the hurricane,” Rendón told El Sol de México.

El Sol de Acapulco published today that the Transport service was reactivated throughout the portand alone five percent did not return to cover their routes for fear of violence.

On the other hand, the manager pointed out that 20 percent of the companies could close permanently due to the lack of budget to reactivate and the problems of violence in the port.

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“That 20 percent is waiting for some support greater than what has already been obtained, but insecurity inhibits the little investment that wants to come to the port, which also prevents them from accessing more resources,” added the president of Coparmex in Acapulco.

Rendón added that, although so far none of his partners have filed a complaint for extortion, he did not rule out that they will not do so for fear of being victims.

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