Valle de Bravo, without water: residents block Conagua headquarters in CDMX – El Sol de México

A group of protesters, from Valle de Bravomakes a blockade on the outskirts of the Conagua officeslocated in Eje 10 Sur and Insurgentes, as pressure to receive an audience with the head of the National Water Commission (Conagua).

The protesters demand that the authorities provide a solution to the water crisis in which the Valle de Bravo damwhich is at 32.51 percent, and which causes a lack of water in several nearby entities.

Road traffic is noticeably affected, due to the blockade carried out by the inhabitants of Valle de Bravo. In the place, police officers from the Secretariat of Citizen Security protect the protesters and try to speed up vehicular traffic on this important road that is Insurgentes South Avenuesince thousands of motorists heading towards the center of Mexico City have problems passing.

With banners, canvases and posters, the protesters demand that the authorities do something to rescue the lake in Valle de Bravosince the work and economy of several people who dedicate themselves to or offer tourist activities in the interior depend on it.

After two hours without a response, they were notified that the general director of the With waterGermán Arturo Martínez Santoyo, would not assist them because he was not in the offices.

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However, they were given an institutional response where it was clarified that “in one week, Conagua will visit the municipality of Valle de Bravo to treat and address the low level of storage maintained by the Miguel Alemán dam.”

“We are all workers from the lake, many people from the citizens who leave from here and others will arrive from Mexico City. There are artisans and commercial establishments as well“, explained Esther Carrillo, organizer of this movement.

Until the February 11th the level of the Valle de Bravo dam remained at 32.51 percentsince it was reported 128,218 million cubic meters of water stored, according to the report issued by Conagua newspaper.

Metrobús Line 1, affected

Metrobús Line 1is also affected in its service, so SSC authorities recommend avoiding the area and taking Revolución Avenue or Universidad Avenue as alternatives.

Dozens of people are affected and have to walk through Insurgentes to look for other alternatives and reach their destinations.

With information from Arturo Aguilar / El Sol de Toluca

Note published in The Press

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