WCK suspends operations in Gaza after the death of its collaborators in an Israeli attack – El Sol de México

The organization World Central Kitchen (WCK) regretted the death of seven of his volunteers in an attack by Israeli Defense Forces in Loopwhere they work for feed to palestinian families who live in the area.

In a statement, the global initiative pointed out that it is devastated and regretted the death of his collaborators while they were working to give food to women, men, boys and girls who live in the conflict zoneby war between Israel and Hamas.

The organization reported that the seven collaborators who died in the attack were from Australia, Polandhe United Kingdoma dual citizen of the United States and Canada, and Palestine.

According to WCK, his team was moving through a “non-conflict zone” on board armored vehicles with the organization logowhich identifies them as humanitarian aid.

However, despite coordinating the vehicle movements with the IDF They were hit when they were leaving the warehouse. Deir al-Balahwhere the team had downloaded more than 100 tons of food aid who arrived in Gaza by sea ​​route.

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