What happens if I use earplugs? – The Sun of Mexico

The noise pollution In large cities it has become a public health problem, classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the “scandalous killer.” Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can cause irreversible damage to health, according to Ana Rosa Moreno Sánchez, specialist at the UNAM Faculty of Medicine.

If you are looking for something practical and economical, use these 60 pairs of earplugs of ears.

This problem not only leads to hearing loss, but also causes sleep disorders, affects the cardiovascular, nervous and metabolic systems, generates muscle tension, hormonal changes and can have negative repercussions during pregnancy. In addition, it affects cognitive performance in school-age children, negatively influencing reading, comprehension and memory, according to the expert’s statements.

For something more day to day and with better results try Loop Experience Plusearplugs that have a sound reduction of 18 or 23 decibels.

It is largely caused by motorized transportation, mobile commerce, rail traffic, air traffic and industrial noise, it has led the emotional health of the population to a worrying state. Stress, nervousness, fatigue, instability, poor concentration and mental health problems are some of the consequences of constant exposure to high levels of noise.

You can also use the Alpine PartyPlug earplugs, another option for massive events.

In this context, it is crucial to take measures to reduce noise pollution and protect hearing health. Dr. Moreno Sánchez highlights the importance of her individual actions, which include the use of earplugs as an effective tool to mitigate the effects of noise. She suggests that “using personal protection when exposed to loud noise, such as earplugs,” is one of the actions that can significantly contribute to reducing noise exposure.

Try the GuDoQi concert plugs high fidelity that allows sound to pass through.

Under current regulations in Mexico City, permitted noise limits vary by area and activity, but the applicability of these standards is questionable. Dr. Moreno Sánchez highlights the need for clearer and more efficient regulation to address this problem.

Use these reusable ear plugsavailable in different colors and joined by a cord.

The adoption of measures at the citizen level, such as the use of silent tires in public transport vehicles, the expansion of infrastructure for electric cars and the promotion of active mobility, would contribute significantly to the reduction of noise pollution in urban environments. Individual awareness and regulatory measures are key to combating this “scandalous killer” and improving the quality of life in our cities.

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