Women undertake more informally – El Sol de México

Eight out of 10 women are found in the informal economyDue to the overregulation in the formalitiesaccording to figures from the president of the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur), Octavio de la Torre.

“It is not that Mexican women want to be informal, but it is due to the overregulation that exists in the procedures to undertake; as well as a tolerance of the governmentwho punish to the formality and it should be the opposite,” De la Torre said at a press conference.

The representative of Concanaco pointed out that the federal government, as well as the private initiative, must promote incentives for women to enter the labor formality. Furthermore, he suggested that they find a solution to the large number of formalities that exist to register a company in the Tax Administration Service (SAT) and the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

“It is important to combat the informalitysince inside there are no job benefits or access to credit, fundamental elements for the development of any worker or entrepreneur,” said the president of Concanaco.

When presenting the Second International Congress of Women and Business Leadersto be held from April 18 to 19 in Ciudad Juárez, De la Torre stated that the objective of this event is promote and promote inclusion and gender equality in the trade, services and tourism sector.

For her part, Daniella Martínez Rodríguez, vice president of Women Entrepreneurs of Concanaco Servytur, pointed out the importance of mexican companiesespecially those led by women, are reconfigured to give a value added before him nearshoring.

Martínez stated that, if the right conditions occur, great opportunities will arise in Mexican companies given the rise of this phenomenon.

“You have to be open to detect opportunities and take advantage of them and, in that sense, sometimes as small and medium-sized companies we do not raise our hands or we do not have an approach to companies because we are afraid,” he stated.

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