Xochitl Gálvez calls on the ITAM community to go out and vote for democratic change – El Sol de México

The coalition candidate Strength and Heart for Mexico, Xochitl Galvez called the community of Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM)to vote for his project which has as a priority the safety of Mexicans, scholarships for all students and a country with greater prosperity.

Questioned by students of the ITAMwho addressed various topics such aso security, economy, politics, international, public policy and human rightsthe young people of this campus in Mexico City, showed their concerns before the in-person candidate of the parties PAN, PRI and PRD.

One of the students questioned the candidate about her position on the communities LGBTTTI+ to which Xochitl responded “I am a woman of freedom and I will make public policies to strengthen all rights, and obviously I will monitor discrimination in the flesh, and we have to live in a country that does not discriminate against anyone.”

He remembered that Brunette It is full of characters like Manuel Bartlett, Alejandro Murat who until a few days ago was a scoundrel and now they baptized him, and now everything is beautiful like Eugenio Hernández de Tamaulipas, who was in jail for his links with the organized crime.

He said that in every game, there are good people, there are bad people, “no game escapes, you see on the green there is a bunch of unpresentable people, well they should check Manuel Velasco What happened to the states that presented fewer accounts of the Popular insurance and there they are as if nothing had happened, promoting the green agenda and handing envelopes to the president’s brothers.”

“It must be disgusting for young people to see their politicians and say who I decide for. The only thing I can say to the young people, in fact I was not the party’s candidate, a leader told me, make no mistake, we are going to support you. You got me a million signatures and unlike me and Claudia Sheinbaum It’s just that I dare to tell people that she doesn’t. She does not dare to contradict the president,” she noted.

Xochitl Galvez asked the young people to read her book “I am the rights of the Indigenous villages.

Indication that she defended the San Andrés agreements “And when they approve a constitutional reform and that I did not agree with the San Andrés agreements and they order me that I have to change my statement and I send them to hell and tell them I’m leaving the cabinet , I’m not going to go out and say something that I don’t think and that he came out to correct, it was Vincent Foxbecause I was right that this reform did not adhere to the San Andrés agreements.


“I am a free independent woman, that the three parties that did work for the democratic transition and I am going to present a project of citizens of the presentable people of the parties because there are presentable people in the matches and I have said it.

When questioned about the morality of her party BREADon the issue of abortion, Xochitl Galvez He said: “I will only have people honest, but above all capable people. The issue of capacity is important to me and it doesn’t matter what I personally think. It doesn’t matter what I have, which is the rights of the people and we will have to decide to interrupt their pregnancyand there will be those who want to have a child and both will be protected by my government.”

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