Xóchitl Gálvez will travel to Spain to meet with businessmen – El Sol de México

Then Xóchitl Gálvez Ruizpresidential candidate of the opposition bloc Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México (PRI, PAN and PRD) was on tour for USAnow announced that he will travel to Spain to meet next Sunday and Monday with businessmen, politicians and media.

“The tour of Spain would be on Sunday and Monday, and I would be back on Tuesday here in Mexico“said the woman from Hidalgo during her self-proclaimed “Truth Conference”held this Thursday.

In turn, Ildelfonso Guajardo, former secretary of Economy during the six-year term of Enrique Pena Nieto and who is currently part of the team of the presidential candidate of Galvezsaid that “the preparation of the trip to Spain (of the candidate) is focused on three spheres: the Mexican community abroad, business groups, especially the Spanish part that is heavily invested in Latin America and specifically in Mexico” and, “to give balance to the media that are accredited in Spain and that they have influence in the Mexican media.”

Yesterday, the opposition candidate concluded her tour of the American cities of New York and Washingtonwhere he held meetings with migrants, students, investors, congressmen, members of Research Centers and representatives of Hispanic media, as well as with the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro.

Galvez He maintained that the tour was positive and very well received in all the meetings and said that the aspect that most worries in that country about Mexico It is the lack of legal certainty.

“I think that the issue that worries them most is the Legal certainty in our country, from the point of view of investments, and the issue of security. “Those are the two topics that always came up on the table, in practically all conversations,” she indicated.

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