Young people are murdered when leaving a bar in Villahermosa – El Sol de México

Three young people died during the early hours of this Sunday, February 11, 2024 outside a well-known club located in the Tabasco area 2000after armed men aboard a truck opened fire on them.

Reports indicate that the young people allegedly fought with their attackers inside the nightclub, so the latter left the place; However, later they would return aboard a black truck to take action.

After receiving the detonation report of firearm In the vicinity of the area, members of the State Police responded to the call; as a result, seven men They were arrested because they were linked to the confrontation that caused the death of three young people.

In addition to those arrested, the authorities seized a firearm and three vehicles, including a Jeep Cherokee truck, in which those who fired their weapons against the deceased were allegedly present.

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In-depth investigation, orders Carlos Merino

He governor of Tabascospoke out against the facts and called to avoid the spread of rumors that disturb social peace.

Through his social networks, the state president expressed: “I deeply regret the events that occurred in a night entertainment center in the area of ​​Tabasco 2000, Villahermosa, where three young people lost their lives.

“From the first moment I have issued instructions so that this act is investigated in depth and that this act does not go unpunished, and that responsibilities reach their ultimate consequences.

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“As the investigations by the corresponding authorities progress, we will keep the families of the victims informed.

“I once again urge everyone to avoid the spread of rumors and to help ensure that social peace prevails in Tabasco.”

Note published in The Herald of Tabasco

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