Yucatán Flavor Festival: Michelin Star Mexican chefs begin discussions – El Sol de México

Mérida, Yucatán.- Avocado is the flavor that can reach the limits of delight and pleasure, as stated by chef Carlos Gaytán within the first conversation held at the El Pinar headquarters of the Yucatán Flavors Festival that is taking place in Mérida from November 16 to 20.

Awarded the highest culinary recognition, the Michelin Star, in 2013, being the first Mexican to obtain it, Gaytán spoke of the importance of national ingredients as a way of making the culture of Mexico known in countries where it is not yet talked about. .

On the topic of Mexican wines, he said that Tzuco, his restaurant located in Chicago, is number one in sales of Mexican wine in the United States.

Gaytán, originally from the state of Guerrero, continues with his commitment to the creations of his land, which are always present in his letter.

“I just ordered a mezcal from my town to have it on my menu, we have a very beautiful country, with a lot of culture and incredible ingredients,” he said.

Young students from different gastronomy universities attended the conference, to whom he sent an important message: “We need leaders who do things well and we do not ask you to do things like us, because you can do it much better.”

For her part, chef Karime López, who heads Massimo Bottura’s French restaurant, La Osteria Francescana, received the Star in 2020, said that one of the privileges our country has is the taste of mamey.

“I hadn’t been in Mexico for a while and this morning they brought me a little piece of mamey and I can’t explain the sensation I had on the palate, we have an infinite number of flavors, but I can confess that this is one of my favorites: it’s texture, flavor and color, there are so many things that remind you of the moments you lived, that you shared with someone, with this we realize the infinity and richness of our country.

The chef spoke about the importance of exploring the pairing and contrasts of cultures through cooking. “The pairings speak a lot about where we are now. I live in Italy and we are presenting a Mexican punch and I want people to feel sheltered and warm with the betrayals of my country.”

Chef Santiago Lastra, from the Kol restaurant in London, also participated in the conference. He said that “the taco is his favorite Mexican dish.” “When you create a dish you have to have a lot of imagination, but this can only exist when you have a strong reference of flavors in your head.

“From the texture of a mamey, the complexity of the dishes you eat, the sweetness, etc. Every time you try something you think about it and return to it in your next dish. Mexican cuisine is difficult to pair, but that makes it more interesting.”

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