BTS composer and producer commits suicide at 41

Bram imscoreone of the musical artists who had the opportunity to work with btshas committed suicide at the age of 41, causing great tension among fans of the famous South Korean K-pop septet.

In a statement reported by American media, it has been confirmed that Bram Imscore committed suicide at his home in the city of San Francisco, state Joined. His relatives reported that the musician “ended his life after an arduous fight against depression” on December 19.

«Selfless as a human being and generous as a collaborator, he served ingeniously to music, but never to his own ego. “A deep compassion and a dry wit were embedded in everything she did, although she never sought praise or approval,” the statement reads.

‘Louder than Bombs’ was the song with which Bram Imscore worked with members btswhich is part of one of the tracks on ‘Map of the Soul: 7’.

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