He made his first trip in the midst of his recovery

After all the secrecy that is maintained in relation to the illness suffered by the princess Kate Middletonthis weekend her fans have been able to have a little calm, after it was known through an emblematic newspaper, that she would be developing in good health and that she has even already taken her first family trip.

The famous Daily Mail revealed that this weekend the princess accompanied her husband, the prince williamand his 3 young children, George, Charlotte and Louis, to the Sandringham estate, where it is claimed he visited his father-in-law, King Charles III, who was recently diagnosed with a type of cancer.

But the exit of the princess of cambridgeKate Middleton, not only went to visit her father-in-law and give him some words of encouragement, but she also came in order to clear her mind a little from all the recovery she had to go through after her tummy tuck, and also with in order to spend a few days of family vacation.

So far this would make it clear that the sister-in-law of the prince harry She is progressing wonderfully as far as her health is concerned, however, for the moment her recovery will continue as it has been doing, and she will not be able to attend as many royal events as she would expect, since she still has to take care of her work matters. very calmly so as not to have a relapse.

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