King Charles III issues big statement about his cancer after arriving in London

The current monarch of the United Kingdom, the king Charles IIIhas issued a big statement after he returned to London with his wife, the queen Camilla Parkerafter having been at his property in Sandringham, where it is estimated that he spent a few days to rest and relax amid his medical condition.

In a new statement made by the king and which was revealed through Buckingham Palace, he says he feels very moved by all the organizations that have shown their support for the people most in need in the fight against cancer.

The declaration of King Charles III on the disease of cancer

He Buckingham Palace reported that the king was happy to hear how his own diagnosis helped many organizations show their support to many people.

The king is moved to share his diagnosis and that it will help the public to understand much more about this disease, and for organizations to support cancer patients and their families in the UK and around the world.

The monarch had previously issued an official statement in which he thanked all the people who were wishing him well regarding his recovery, but this time after arriving in London in order to continue with what will be his medical treatment. , the monarch has decided thank to companies whose priority is to help these patients.

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