King Charles III receives new bad news about his health and his reign

He King Charles III of the United Kingdom You are going through one of the most difficult and challenging times of your life. At 75 years old, he has been diagnosed with cancer, so the attention of the media and the public in his country is completely focused on him. But now, at Head of state Bad news has reached you about what you are currently doing.

The last years of Charles III have become an odyssey; the death of his parents, the rebellion of prince harry with his wife Meghan Markle and now, the diagnosis of his cancer that has caused great uncertainty among followers of the crown.

For Robert Hazelprofessor at the University College of London, affirms the silence of the crown on the current state of the king alone is a series of bad news.

The professional assures that the monarchy will be regulated by a “soft regency” over the Head of state. According to him, his reign is not going well at all and his health could worsensince the Palace’s secrecy about the cause of his cancer does not bring good things.

«Constitutionally, there are other obligations that the Royal family may take over to relieve pressure on the monarch and that is exactly what is happening. But there are no good signs that the king is doing well, no good news so far», states the expert.

The followers of the royalty They feel very dismayed, since the crown has not revealed what type of cancer His Majesty has. They have also not provided more details about which treatment the king is taking, and they have not wanted to deepen his diagnosis either.

Given this, there is no predictable future for the reign of the king Charles III in the monarchy of the United Kingdom, a mandate that has been characterized by constant critics that it has received from the media and the public.

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