They deliver CDMX crime map to Clara Brugada – El Sol de México

An analysis of how the criminality in the capital and the locations of criminal risks received today Clara BrugadaMorena’s candidate for head of Government of Mexico City, from the hands of Omar García Harfuch and Ernestina Godoyformer Secretary of Citizen Security and former Attorney General of Justice, respectively, both local,

The delivery of security proposals took place in the house of the candidate for that position, located in San Miguel Teotongoand its core is to consolidate the strategies applied in the matter starting in 2019, without falling into occurrences.

Whoever was the head of the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City informed the candidate that her task was systematize everything carried out while he was at the head of the institutionwith a recommendation of the things in which it is necessary to deepen and considered it important that the new administration be very clear about Where are they and what are the risks of insecurity?because, he warned, “the city is always highly coveted by large criminal corporations.”

Omar García Harfuchformer Secretary of Citizen Security, said that it is important to start from consolidated strategies, because in the heat of an election it is very easy to criticize and invent anything to reduce insecurity from one day to the next, but the residents of the capital know that this is not the case.

The candidate for senator of the Republic reviewed the results of the security strategy applied in the government that is about to conclude, for example, he recalled that intentional homicide decreased by almost 50 percent, high crimes had a reduction of more than 50, as is the case of vehicle theft with or without violence, which reached more than 60 percent.

“What do we need? That with these consolidated strategies there is a continuity and continuity does not mean that everything remains the same, a continuity, I mean, to redirect the projects that need to be redirected; but let there be continuity in what? in strengthening of institutionsin the training of the companions, of the companions, in you deepen the investigations carried out by the prosecutor’s office, the Mexico City police, etc.,” García Harfuch explained.

We want a city of peace, implacable against crime.

Clara Brugada, Morena candidate for head of local government.

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By accepting the proposals, Clara Brugada stated that those strategies gave results, for example, In Iztapalapa there was a decrease in the crime ratebut also, he assured, improved citizen perception of security.

He admitted that The largest municipalities will always accumulate a greater number of crimes due to their populationalthough the result of applying a measure of crimes recorded per 100 thousand inhabitants is that five districts of the city have a higher crime incidence than Iztapalapa.

“We dream precisely of a city that is a territory of peace, a territory of security, an open and free city, a city that is not closed in on itself, we want a city of peace, implacable against crime. This is very important, a city that protects citizens and especially women,” said Brugada.

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