King Charles III would not be a supporter of chemotherapy and could treat his cancer with natural medicine

The issue of unspecified cancer suffered by king Charles III continues to cause all kinds of speculation and comments, not only by the media, but now also by fanatic experts on royalty, who have begun to give their opinions about the mystery that Buckingham Palace has maintained about the recent situation with the health of the English monarch.

Famous royal biographer and author of the book ‘Revenge: Meghan, Harry, and the Windsor War’ Tom Bowersaid to Nigel Farage through an interview for the GB Newsthat King Charles III is not a supporter of chemotherapy and could instead treat his cancer with natural medicinesomething that of course greatly worries royal fans.

The king is not a believer in chemotherapy, in fact he has always opposed this treatment, however, he is a great believer in medicinal herbs, like potions and things like that.“Bower stated in his interview, also adding that the husband of the Queen Camilla Parker promotes natural medicine and has a very good advisor who knows about this topic, “He is a promoter of alternative medicine. I think right now he is following the advice of an expert called Michael Dixona man the king has defended for several years, and who also runs his own natural alternative medicines institution“explained the biographer to the GB News.

Several users have recalled the official statement of the Buckingham Palace about the “regular treatments” to which the father of the child will undergo prince williamand they have pointed out Tom Bower’s words as something not as crazy as it sounds, since the royal institution never specified what type of medical procedures they would subject King Charles III to.

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