Netflix and its film based on real events that is impacting the public

The American streaming platform Netflix It has a film in its catalog whose story is based on real events. The quality of the production is already capturing the attention of its userswho have now managed to position it as one of the most viewed titles currently within the service.

‘Narvik’ is the Norwegian war drama that premiered last January on Netflix and has wowed critics. It is starring Magnus Dugdale, Karl Martin Eggesbø, Henrik Mestad, Kristine Harten and Stig Henrik Hoff. In turn, it is directed by Eric Skjoldbjaerg.

His plot unfolds in the context of the story that recounts the beginning of the fall of Adolf Hitler during the Second World War, while at the same time interfering in different aspects still unknown about the end of the war.

“In the context of the first major defeat of Adolf Hitler during the Second World Wara soldier of Norwegian origin returns home and discovers something shocking about his wife,” says the Netflix synopsis.

Narvik It is without a doubt an ideal film to enjoy in Netflix. It lasts two hours and is currently one of the most viewed films on the platform.

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