Explosion at Tula Refinery leaves several workers injured – El Sol de México

An explosion in a hydrogen compressor at the Miguel Hidalgo Refinery, in Tula, left eight workers injured, including two seriously, on the afternoon of February 12.

The employees who were injured, it was learned, were urgently transferred to the General Hospital of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) located in the Unidad Habitacional Pemex neighborhood to receive prompt medical attention.

Employees of the parastatal who preferred to omit their names for fear of labor reprisals announced today that the emergency situation occurred around six in the afternoon.

“The explosion apparently occurred at the HDR Plant in Unit 400 of the Miguel Hidalgo Refinery in Tula, where a steam turbine burst and left several workers injured due to the steam and it is mentioned that they are two mechanics and two instrumentalists,” the workers said. informants.

Meanwhile, police officers stationed in this region of the entity became aware of the incident that occurred inside the Miguel Hidalgo Refinery located in the border area of ​​the municipalities of Tula de Allende and Atitalaquía.

They were informed that inside the oil factory there was an explosion and several employees were injured.

Due to this nocturnal event, there was alarm among the population living in neighborhoods surrounding the parastatal, such as those called El Llano and San Pedro Alpuyeca.

As of 9:00 p.m. this Monday, Pemex has not issued a statement regarding the incident.

Originally published in The Sun of Hidalgo

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