Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis completely enchant in new video celebrating Christmas

The young children of the heirs to the British throne; he the prince georgethe princess charlotte and the extrovert the prince louis, have stolen the attention at Christmas from the royal family. They have done it by starring in a beautiful Christmas video that has quickly become a trending topic.

at the annual carol concert organized by Kate Middleton and which is celebrated in Westminster Abbey, his three children, especially Prince Louis, have starred in a beautiful moment that It has been recorded through a video.

At the time of entering the concert, the youngest son of pprince and the princess of wales He sent letters to children less fortunate than him along with his older siblings, Princess Charlotte, 8, and Prince George, 10.

The little princes They did it alongside their parents, as well as other royals, while holding candles and singing Christmas songs in the festive hall filled with more than 1,500 people.

As expected, the beautiful moment has gone viral throughout the Internetdemonstrating a close and very human facet in the children of the future kings of the Kingdom United.

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