Prince Harry and Meghan Markle launch new website

For several hours now, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, the prince harry and Meghan Marklehave become a trend after both quietly revived their personal website, as they had put it aside due to the requests of the British royal family and all the controversies that some comments and accusations made by Harry towards his family.

This new website called, was released last Monday, February 12, without an official announcement, so followers of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had to figure it out on their own. On this website there are several photos of Prince Harry and his wife, who are formally described with all their achievements and projects throughout their lives, as well as presenting their royal titles, although they are already detached from these. .

In the past, upon leaving their responsibilities with the British royal family in 2020, both moved from England to the United States, making the decision to share their latest publication on the official Sussex Royal Instagram account, and stopping using their website; However, the couple wanted to revive this activity with the launch of a new way to communicate with their followers.

According to a source close to the dukes, Harry and Meghan think that this year 2024 is one of redemption, so despite the circumstances that the royal family is going through, they will launch work on their website at any cost, and They will share all kinds of news and information including those of the royals.

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